Rebecca Bertram
Rebecca Bertram works as a freelancer and consultant on energy and climate issues in Honduras. She used to work for the Heinrich Böll Foundation both as the Director for the Energy and Environment program in the Washington D.C. office and as the…
Author detailsEurope's sustainable future depends on accessibility of raw materials for batteries
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) singles out accessibility of raw materials as a pressing issue, warning that a prompt solution for the development of batteries is needed to make…
Read Full articleDEEP 2.0 - De-risking energy efficiency through better reference data
The De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP) is an open-source database for energy efficiency investments performance monitoring and benchmarking. DEEP provides an improved understanding of the…
Read Full articleWe accelerate the Energy Transition.
The energy transition is already happening today. The fourth liberalisation package is going through the EU codecision process and it introduces exciting new elements for a demand-driven electricity…
Read Full articleAn Integrated Approach for Industrial Symbiosis: the CORALIS project
The high potential of Industrial Symbiosis (IS) for energy and resource savings lies in the creation of “an interconnected network which strives to mimic the functioning of ecological systems, within…
Read Full articleH2020-funded project RETROFEED kicks off in Brussels
Implementing smart retrofitting frameworks in the process industry towards its operation with variable, biobased and circular feedstock The 26 th and 27 th November 2019 mark the official launch of…
Read Full articleEnergy Policy Analyst - Avatar
If a GPT named "EU Energy Policy Analyst" were personified as a human, she would be a highly knowledgeable and sophisticated individual, deeply immersed in the intricacies of European energy policies. She would be in her mid-30s, with a sharp,…
Author detailsEU research & innovation tout court
EEIP bridging the gap between EU-funding opportunities and businesses: free EU-project matchmaking. With billions of euros available for 2014-2020, European funds represent a great opportunity to…
Read Full articleSMEs and Start-ups: 60.000 EUR for new services for network operators and household consumers
Horizon 2020 project OneNet calls out for innovative services The consortium is looking for new services that will contribute to the impact of OneNet project in the energy ecosystem OneNet - One…
Read Full articleStimulating Consumer Demand for Energy Efficiency Investments
The European Green Deal calls for an ambitious approach to both developing an appropriate policy foundation and effective implementation for energy efficiency. The policy framework is currently being…
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