Catalytic Hydrogen Production: Pioneering Clean Energy with Methane Cracking
In the race to decarbonize the world’s energy systems, hydrogen stands out as one of the most promising fuels for a cleaner future. A significant part of this transformation is methane cracking, an…
Read Full articleEuropean Energy Efficiency Conference at the WSED
Energy efficiency first: Clean. Competitive. Connected. The Clean Energy Package is changing Europe’s energy markets. "Energy efficiency first" is at the core of Europe’s commitment to a clean energy transition. This requires strong policies,…
DetailsHeatpumps: vision vs. reality
Vision vs. reality – why political intervention is essential to unleash heat pumps energy savings potential in industrial and commercial applications. Buildings need a comfortable indoor temperature…
Read Full article10 Facts about Wind Power
Wind power is one of the fastest growing industrial segments in the world. Being once a niche market in Europe, wind has added more capacity than any other technology over the last decade. Now, wind power nears the 500 GW milestone, providing jobs and power to regions across the globe. Wind energy is the most efficient solution to reduce emissions in the power sector. Onshore wind is now the…
Read Full Business PracticeSENSOR+TEST 2017
Meet EEIP German team at Sensor & Test 2017 Flavio Steinbach, +49 (0)177 862.03.61 or Simone Ciolek, +49 (0)163 297.10.82 From the 30th of May to the 1st of June, the SENSOR+TEST in Nürnberg will once again be the hub of the world of sensor,…
DetailsSmart pneumatics: 3 main steps towards sustainable production.
Industry 4.0, condition monitoring, and predictive maintenance is the trend in the industrial sector nowadays. When I ask you about them, what do you imagine? The answer to this question probably lies…
Read Full articleBehave 2016 - 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency
Behave 2016 aims to bring researchers and practitioners involved in end-use energy efficiency to share recent research, new technological developments and best practices on understanding and influencing behaviour related to energy efficiency.…
DetailsThe Renewable Revolution: Powering Our Future
In a world grappling with climate change and energy security concerns, the transition to renewable energy has never been more crucial. Recent studies have shown that a 100% renewable energy system is…
Read Full articleThe technical potential of large and industrial heat pumps
Heat pumps are considered large if they exceed capacities of 100kW. They can easily reach the one to several megawatt range with the largest units providing 35MW in a single machine. Currently…
Read Full articleHow reusing waste heat can take aluminium one step closer to becoming a greener industry
Aluminium is one of the most recycled commodities in the world, but the processes involved in the production of this metal still leave a high environmental impact on the planet. New waste heat…
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