Riding the Green Wave: The Meteoric Rise of Sustainability-Linked Bonds
Financing the energy transition remains a challenge. However, new financing mechanism have entered the world of finance during recent years. While green bonds seem to be already part of the finance…
Read Full articleDoes the public's view of Hydrogen matter?
A recent survey in the United Kingdom assessed public perception to be largely ambivalent to hydrogen, with over 64% of participants unable to demonstrate even a basic knowledge of hydrogen technology…
Read Full articleSustainable finance: Simplicity liberates action!
For nearly ten years Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP) has been working on the policies and tools enabling financing of energy efficiency in industry. Complexity of investing in energy…
Read Full articleNew decade opens with cascade of US coal plant closures
The new decade is opening with a mounting cascade of plant closures in the United States coal industry, with investors abandoning ship, revenue being driven down by record-low gas and renewable energy…
Read Full articleHow to generate long-term value creation through operationalisation of sustainability data
This article aims to outline best practices for operationalizing sustainability performance data and emphasize the benefits of fully embedding sustainability within operational strategy. Many firms…
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