One Electrical Network Infrastructure for Europe: the OneNet Project

25 November 2020 by Adri Pap
One Electrical Network Infrastructure for Europe: the OneNet Project


The Horizon 2020 OneNet project aims to consolidate results and learnings into a comprehensive framework for European grid flexibility. It will: Identify standardised flexibility products and services; Design a common market scheme for Europe; implement the reference version of the IT architecture; implement scalable solutions in large-scale OneNet demonstration sites. The project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957739. Click here for more details on the ambitions of the project, or visit our project website: For more details about the project click

Click here for the first press release: @Fraunhofer_FIT; or click here for full details: or go to the project or visit the project's project website. Back to the full press release from the project.

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One Electrical Network Infrastructure for Europe: the OneNet Project

The traditional power system is experiencing a push towards innovation like never before. The abundance of renewable energy sources and solutions, increasingly fragmented stakeholder groups, availability of new and emerging technologies, increasing demand for secure, clean and efficient energy all point toward a pressing need for transformation in the energy system.




The Horizon 2020 OneNet project recognises just that: a need for


a seamless integration of all the actors in the electricity network across Europe to create the conditions for a synergistic operation that optimizes the overall energy system while creating an open and fair market structure.




Building on the significant advances made in previous Horizon 2020 projects, such as INTERRFACE, CoordiNet, EUNIVERSAL or PLATONE, and OneNet's own demonstration sites, OneNet aims to consolidate results and learnings into a comprehensive framework for European grid flexibility.




With the efforts of 70+ consortium partners, the project will:


  • Identify standardised flexibility products and services
  • Design a common market scheme for Europe
  • Set up the technical and regulatory specifications of an open IT architecture
  • Implement the reference version of the IT architecture, integrating market schemes and solutions identified in OneNet
  • Implement scalable solutions in large-scale OneNet demonstration sites
  • Press standardised project results towards European market uptake




For more details on the ambitions of the project,




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957739.


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