The Profile of Energy Use in Industrial Motor Systems

02 May 2017 by Ali Hasanbeigi
The Profile of Energy Use in Industrial Motor Systems


According to International Energy Agency, around half of the electricity used globally is consumed in electric motor systems. Industrial motor systems account for around 60% of manufacturing electricity consumption in different countries. Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC is working on Global Motor Systems Efficiency Initiative (covers over 50 countries) and the U.S. Motor Systems efficiency Initiative. For more information, click on the links above to see our projects page. Click on the link above to visit our project page and see our work projects page for more information. The inforgraphic below is prepared by Global Efficiency Intelligence to summarize some key information on energy energy use in motor systems worldwide and energy efficiency potentials in different parts of the world, including in the United States and 30 states in the UK and U.K.

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The Profile of Energy Use in Industrial Motor Systems

According to International Energy Agency, around half of the electricity used globally is consumed in electric motor systems. Industrial motor systems account for around 60% of manufacturing electricity consumption in different countries.

The inforgraphic below is prepared by Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC to summarize some key information on energy use in motor systems worldwide.

Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC is working on Global Motor Systems Efficiency Initiative (covers over 50 countries) and the U.S. Motor Systems Efficiency Initiative (covers 30 states in the U.S.) to analyze the energy use in industrial motor systems and energy efficiency potentials in these systems at manufacturing subsectors level in different countries or states in the U.S.

For more information, click on the links above to see our projects page.







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