Circular Economy

Mapping energy use for a fossil fuel-free Europe

Heat Roadmap Europe provides the data that engineers need to decarbonise heating and cooling systems. The project has inspired EMB3Rs and is redesigning our energy sector. Heating and cooling is probably the most diverse sector of Europes energy system. But it has also been the least mapped - and PETA has changed this. Data has also revealed that right now, nations across Europe are home to vast, untapped excess heat resources, that could meet almost all heating demands. We could be using up to 30% of excess heat sources across all of Europe, says Vad Mathiesen. This will demand more than 21,500 new district heating systems to supply more heat to more buildings, as well as billion-Euro investment in better buildings until 2050. And we also need to refurbish our houses as much as we can, says Dr Zenaida Mourão. and focus on energy efficiency, says Mourão, says the project.

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Why would you use hydrogen for power generation?
Circular Economy

Why would you use hydrogen for power generation?

SSE and Equinors plan to build a hydrogen power station in the UK. To help navigate this topic I have provided a guide to hydrogen colours. It does not seem to make too much sense to use electricity to make hydrogen to then convert it.

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HPHE and greener furnaces: a combo that can make emissions plunge in the aluminium industry
Circular Economy

HPHE and greener furnaces: a combo that can make emissions plunge in the aluminium industry

Insertec is a leading manufacturer of industrial furnaces based in the Spanish province of Biscay. It is a crucial partner in one of the three case studies where ETEKINA is testing a new range of heat pipe heat exchangers.

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How data can increase the re-use of waste energy
Circular Economy

How data can increase the re-use of waste energy

EnergyLab Nordhavn sits on the edge of Copenhagen, overlooking the Øresund Strait. The large-scale research and demonstration project has been a hive of activity for the last five years. It is based on Copenhagens power.

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What is cold local heat?
Circular Economy

What is cold local heat?

Cold local heating is a heat supply with relatively low temperatures. The principle of heat supply is particularly interesting with regard to climate protection. It allows waste heat from industry or renewable energies to be used. There are no or only minor losses in the pipeline.

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How reusing waste heat can take aluminium one step closer to becoming a greener industry
Circular Economy

How reusing waste heat can take aluminium one step closer to becoming a greener industry

New waste heat recovery technologies can take the industry one step closer to achieving cleaner production methods. Aluminium is the second most highly produced metal and one of the most recycled commodities in the world. In some industries, over 90% of it is recycled .

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Four young scientists talk about the future of waste heat recovery
Circular Economy

Four young scientists talk about the future of waste heat recovery

Scientists in four European countries have been working on the ETEKINA project. They have developed three new heat pipe heat exchangers (HPHE) They aim to recover between 57% and 70% of waste heat streams in three specific sectors.

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Finding new players in an old market: the energy potential of a Swedish case study
Circular Economy

Finding new players in an old market: the energy potential of a Swedish case study

The EMB3Rs platform will help a district heating company in Sweden identify the most efficient way of connecting medium-sized non-traditional excess heat providers to a mature network. A big part of this achievement is due to an extensive network of local district heating.

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Industrial processes going digital
Circular Economy

Industrial processes going digital

Digital solutions make every industrial step efficient even in situations where they could hardly be completed. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research .

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Europe’s energy-intensive industries coping with covid crisis while trying to stay on sustainable path
Circular Economy

Europe’s energy-intensive industries coping with covid crisis while trying to stay on sustainable path

Europes industry has significant challenges today. All Europeans also have to cope with the COVID-19 crisis and with a paralysed economy. There are also discussions within the EU institutions and through various consultations on the recovery package and what that will mean to.

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