Finance & Economics

It's time to act

Jean Monnet was one of the founding fathers of the European Union. He says we are now in much better shape to take effective action - if there is the will and commitment to do so. There are more technologies available to help you reduce your energy consumption and the prices are coming down. And there are many new innovations coming forward all the time. The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) developed two tools. These include efforts to de-risk energy efficiency projects in order to give more confidence to investors - including you. The De-Risking Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP), is an open-source initiative to up-scale energy efficiency investments in Europe through the improved sharing and transparent analysis of existing projects in Buildings and Industry. There are now more than 10,000 projects in that database. It will soon be expanding to even more. and the Investor Confidence Project. the European Committee for Standardization, CEN, is increasingly active to support energy efficiency.

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TOP3 articles Energy Finance 1st half 2018
Finance & Economics

TOP3 articles Energy Finance 1st half 2018

The Investor Confidence Project (ICP) has developed protocols that enable standardisation of documents and processes for energy efficiency projects. The protocols make projects bankable for investors, which in turn enables aggregation of projects to unlock vast pools of capital to flow into energy.

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The EIP-SCC Matchmaking initiative as a tool to accelerate investments in the Smart City Panorama
Finance & Economics

The EIP-SCC Matchmaking initiative as a tool to accelerate investments in the Smart City Panorama

The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) launched an onsite matchmaking programme. Matchmaking aims at giving participants a chance to create long-term relationships that can ultimately lead to actual financial support to the project.

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De-risking energy efficiency projects: a market opportunity for project developers
Finance & Economics

De-risking energy efficiency projects: a market opportunity for project developers

De-risk your project and access finance by joining the ICP Project Development Network. Participate in the free training on 20th November for Industry and Energy Supply and on the 22nd November for Street Lighting. The Investor Confidence Project Europe unlocks access.

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Finance & Economics

Protocol: Complex Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)

ICP protocols are standardising the way energy efficiency projects are developed, documented and measured. Protocols are NOT interfering with the technical side of projects. ICP protocol is intended for installation of new technology types or capacities, including new utility generation technologies.

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Protocol: Complex Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)

Finance & Economics

Protocol: Targeted Industry and Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)

ICP protocols are standardising the way energy efficiency projects are developed. Protocols are NOT interfering with the technical side of projects. The TARGETED industry protocol is intended for simple, commonly used technologies. Such technologies will usually have consistent and predictable.

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Protocol: Targeted Industry and Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)

Using Non-Energy Benefits to Build Better Business Cases
Finance & Economics

Using Non-Energy Benefits to Build Better Business Cases

One of the most effective ways of building better business cases is to identify and value non-energy benefits (NEBs) NEBs are all those benefits that come from an efficiency project that are not energy related. They can include improved health, reduced absentee.

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ICP – the way financial institutions can make fighting climate change a business case
Finance & Economics

ICP – the way financial institutions can make fighting climate change a business case

This was a climate summit and, all too often, energy efficiency is too quickly passed over. We know there is a serious underinvestment in energy efficiency. Many energy efficiency measures are not undertaken because of a lack of standardisation - of the process.

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Finance & Economics

PDS Industry and Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)

This document provides essential information about the protocols requirements, best practices, quality management tasks. The ICP Project Development Specification (PDS) is designed for project specialists, third-party Quality Assurance Assessors, and investors to ensure that projects are developed.

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PDS Industry and Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)

Evolution in energy efficiency financing
Finance & Economics

Evolution in energy efficiency financing

Rod Janssen: MEEF is the largest public-private energy efficiency fund in Europe. He says there is still a long way to go to reset the balance between energy supply and energy demand. There is also much greater clarity on the real.

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