Renewable Energy
More companies are engaging in a holistic approach to their energy and carbon strategy. UK Government policies are anchored by the industrial strategy and include ESOS (Phase 2 deadline is December 2019), CCAs, CCL and CRC. There is significant potential for UK businesses to save money through improved energy efficiency in buildings and processes (less than 7 year paybacks) An Energy Management System, if correctly implemented and actively used, will enable companies to tap into their full energy savings potential. Energy audits offer a streamlined and cost-effective way to reach compliance with legislation and identify savings in energy consumption - 7% on average. Energy culture - working with production, engineering and maintenance teams to assess and deliver energy savings through changes to behaviours - savings can range from 5-15%. Energy use and carbon emissions from industrial processes will receive increasing attention from regulators, investors, investors and supply chains and consumers. By Dr Steven Fawkes, can range of energy efficiency and energy efficiency.
Read Full articleTraining Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)
This is the training material for the two ICP Industry and Energy Supply Protocols. It gives you a detailed view on how to use the Protocols, a best-practice guideline. The next training results in being listed on the ICP project developer.
Read Full Business PracticeDelivering Energy Efficiency in Industry: How the Hera Group turned an obligation into an innovative and successful business strategy
Hera Group is an Italian multi-utility owned for the majority by local municipalities. From 2005 to 2016 Hera delivered 205 energy-saving projects in the industrial sector. The majority of energy efficiency interventions that Hera identifies have a payback period below 5.
Read Full articleTranslating SAP Add-Ons
Energy efficiency is not only about technology. From time to time we are highlighting related services of relevance. This article includes a short paper about SAP add-ons. If this is of potential relevance for you, check this 2pg paper from textand.
Read Full Business PracticeTechnical translation
A German technical dictionary offers six different translations, each one with a slightly different meaning. This is understandable since obstruct also has different connotations in English. Coherent and correct use of language from marketing to technical aspects shows professionalism and adds to trust building in.
Read Full Business PracticeHow many languages does your software speak?
In this 2pg paper textandform briefly describe their flexible and fast localization process. The 2pg is a 3D paper text andform. It describes how the software can be used to market its energy efficiency solutions internationally. In the 2pg.
Read Full Business PracticeIndia – a global player in energy efficiency
EESL is a central player in the Indian energy efficiency market. It is best known for its LED programme, UJALA, which has distributed more than 270 million LEDs across India. In November I made my first ever visit to India to.
Read Full articleAre you going global with SAP?
Quick overview how text & form can support your global SAP roll-out with the help of SAP certified translation consultants in a cost-effective way.
Read Full Business PracticeThe HERA Group, from local utility to global sustainable development. A unique approach that could change the way utilities do business around the world
Hera Group is an Italian multi-utility that respects the environment while creating shared value to its customers. Hera is one of Italys biggest local utility companies, a leader in energy, waste management, and water services, serving more than 4 million.
Read Full articleThe Italian Energy Audits model: A “cocktail” of best practices that lead to success
Italy is at the top among the virtuous countries in the EU to actuate the energy audits in large enterprises and energy consuming companies. In March this year, I wrote about the how the Italian model could unlock the great energy efficiency potential in the countrys SM.
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