Financing Energy Efficiency
Meet EEIP at the EASME event on Financing Energy Efficiency This event, held in Brussels, will present a selection of on-going initiatives at local, national and European levels that are demonstrating that energy efficiency can be financed on a large…
DetailsIndustry and Energy Supply Protocols Training November 20th: Register here
BECOME AN ICP NETWORK MEMBER Join E.on, ENGIE and dozens of other companies in the ICP Networks of providers! Take our free online training on the ICP Industry & Energy Supply Protocol! Register here . Why joining the ICP training? Training on the…
DetailsEnergy audit and augmented reality: how to combine them? RETROFEED innovation accelerated by COVID-19
Energy Audit in times of COVID-19: The RETROFEED augmented reality experience An online event organised by the RETROFEED project on 2 December 2020 RETROFEED industry partners shared their experience…
Read Full articlePOWER-GEN Europe
Power-Gen Europe, together with Renewable Energy World Europe Leading suppliers, sub-suppliers, service providers and end-users across the entire power generation value chain, POWER-GEN Europe and Renewable Energy World Europe encapsulate all aspects…
DetailsIndustrial heat: An emission free energy source
Heat is a form of energy that is all around us. There’s heat from the sun (solar thermal), and from the earth (geothermal), but for this post, I want to talk about industrial heat - heat that is a…
Read Full articleBlockchain in the energy sector: Institutional disruption?
Blockchain & Energy: The discussion is heating up This post is about one of the hottest topics in energy business, the blockchain. While there are many discussions already going on about the…
Read Full articlePower-Gen Europe
Power-Gen Europe Featuring the leading suppliers, sub-suppliers, service providers and end-users across the entire power generation value chain, POWER-GEN Europe and Renewable Energy World Europe encapsulate all aspects of today’s centralised and…
DetailsICP – the way financial institutions can make fighting climate change a business case
On September 12-14, 2018, San Francisco hosted the Global Climate Action Summit. The operative word is on “action.” At the summit, the Joint Statement of the Supporting Institutions of the Climate…
Read Full article10 Facts about Wind Power
Wind power is one of the fastest growing industrial segments in the world. Being once a niche market in Europe, wind has added more capacity than any other technology over the last decade. Now, wind power nears the 500 GW milestone, providing jobs and power to regions across the globe. Wind energy is the most efficient solution to reduce emissions in the power sector. Onshore wind is now the…
Read Full Business PracticeRiding the Green Wave: The Meteoric Rise of Sustainability-Linked Bonds
Financing the energy transition remains a challenge. However, new financing mechanism have entered the world of finance during recent years. While green bonds seem to be already part of the finance…
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