Utilize all the available energy — Heat recovery
Today, global industry consumes a vast amount of energy. The biggest challenge is that as much as half of it is wasted due to the inefficient and complicated recovery of low-grade energy. Heat in the…
Read Full articleTOP 3 Energy Efficiency articles 1st half 2018
1 - The benefit of compressed air systems becoming smart - a Boge example. Industry 4.0 in practice: from product to solutions: Boge compressed air example of how the combination of a smart product,…
Read Full articleTOP 3 Articles 1st half 2018
1 - The benefit of compressed air systems becoming smart - a Boge example. Industry 4.0 in practice: from product to solutions: Boge compressed air example of how the combination of a smart product,…
Read Full articleElvira Rakova
Elvira Rakova, Ph.D. in mechanical engineering with a focus on the energy efficiency of compressed air systems from TU Dresden. Founder of Direktin, expert company and marketplace of efficient solutions in the industry.
Author detailsUtilities and Governments are Wasting Millions of Dollars Subsidizing A Wrong Technology for Motor Systems Efficiency
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), electric motor systems consume more than half of global electricity. Industrial electric motor systems account for over 70% of total global…
Read Full articleJohn Deere - variable peak load compressor
Case Study about optimizing compressed air station to reduce idle times and increase energy efficiency better responding to variable peak loads. Helmut Rembert, Senior Facilities Engineer at the John Deere factory in Mannheim: “Once the turbo compressors are switched off, you have to wait at least twenty minutes for them to start up again. If you want flexibility, you have to run them idle from…
Read Full Business PracticeBeverages: Gropper - oil free piston compressor for bottling
Case Study about planning and implementation of an energy efficient and flexible compressed air station. As the new plant was built from scratch, staff were able to fully exploit the potential of modern factory planning. Berthold Burgmeier, Head of Technology: “We plan and optimise our systems ourselves and efficiency, flexibility and economical energy consumption are extremely important to us.”…
Read Full Business PracticeDigital Revolution in Motor Systems: Powering the Future of Energy Efficiency
In an era where energy efficiency is paramount, the digitalization of motor systems emerges as a game-changer in the industrial landscape. This transformation is not just about adopting new…
Read Full articleSmart pneumatics: 3 main steps towards sustainable production.
Industry 4.0, condition monitoring, and predictive maintenance is the trend in the industrial sector nowadays. When I ask you about them, what do you imagine? The answer to this question probably lies…
Read Full articleHannover Messe 2021
The number-one industrial trade fair Hannover Messe 2021 is scheduled on 12 - 16 April. The 5 days of the following Hannover Messe 2021 will be packed with trends, knowledge transfer and intersectoral collaboration. The trade show welcomes companies…