The technical potential of large and industrial heat pumps
Heat pumps are considered large if they exceed capacities of 100kW. They can easily reach the one to several megawatt range with the largest units providing 35MW in a single machine. Currently…
Read Full articleDistrict heating: balancing green energy with end-user needs
As district heating companies search for new sources of low-carbon energy to distribute to customers, they find themselves serving both energy supplier and end-user. What challenges does their…
Read Full articleHow waste heat recovery will change the landscapes
Each year industries across Europe allow a valuable source of heat energy to simply escape out their chimneys. An EU-funded project called ETEKINA has reimagined a decades-old technology called heat…
Read Full articleElectrifying the Future: Joule-Heated Catalytic Reactors as a Pathway to Decarbonization and Innovation
In today's energy landscape, one of the most pressing challenges is reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from energy-intensive industries like chemical manufacturing. With climate change…
Read Full article5 Things you need to know about 5G Heat (Fifth Generation Heat!)
In my blog ‘ How will energy look in 2030? My 10 predictions for the next 10 years! ’ I predicted that by 2030 all city centres will have some form of fifth generation heat network – taking heat…
Read Full articleUtilize all the available energy — Heat recovery
Today, global industry consumes a vast amount of energy. The biggest challenge is that as much as half of it is wasted due to the inefficient and complicated recovery of low-grade energy. Heat in the…
Read Full article‘Uber’-like platform to match heat supply and demand released
Until now, there was no efficient way for industries generating excess heat to provide it to nearby users who need it. This could provide potential income for the heat ‘source,’ and a way to lower…
Read Full articleContribution of startups to the energy transition in the building sector
In collaboration with the VdZ Leading Association for Building Technology to the ISH digital 2021 (cover photo: VdZ e.V.) An energy turnaround in the heating market requires greater efficiency and the…
Read Full articleWaste heat: recovering a valuable renewable resource
The new heat recovery platform, EMB3Rs , can help industries find the best ways to re-use the waste heat energy that would normally be released to our environment. Here’s how it matches heat sources…
Read Full articleThe transformation of energy intensive industries
The latest records are mind-blowing: up to 50% energy savings and possibly even more. During the last 4,5 years new heat pipe heat exchangers were implemented at three industrial demo-sites: an…
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