What are green loans and how are they linked to the EU Taxonomy Regulation?
The EU Taxonomy Regulation is a key part of the European Union's strategy to combat climate change and drive investment towards environmentally sustainable activities. It sets out a common…
Read Full articleElectric cars better for climate in 95% of the world
Fears that electric cars could actually increase carbon emissions are unfounded in almost all parts of the world, new research shows. Reports have questioned whether electric cars really are ‘greener’…
Read Full articleHow cheap must batteries get for renewables to compete with fossil fuels?
Author: Edd Gent While solar and wind power are rapidly becoming cost-competitive with fossil fuels in areas with lots of sun and wind , they still can’t provide the 24/7 power we’ve become used to.…
Read Full articleWorld's largest offshore wind farm will power 4.5 million homes
Renewable energy statistics just keep topping each other. Solar power is getting cheaper. Battery storage capacity is getting better. And wind farms are getting bigger. 2019 saw the world’s biggest…
Read Full articleWhat the energy efficiency community can learn from the Club of Rome
One step at a time We are confronting a lot of doom and gloom. On the one hand, we have the student climate activists and the Extinction Rebellion shaking our complacency to show that globally we are…
Read Full articleThe future of flight – Three energy futures (electric, hydrogen or just less?)
In my blog on the future of energy I made a very bold statement about he future of flight being cut by 50% by 2030. A lot of comments on the article informed me I was probably wrong – and this got me…
Read Full articleThe time is right: Industrial Policy and the European Green Deal
This week, there is a big article in the Financial Times about how Brussels is re-tooling industrial policy. The focus of the article is on how there is increasing support to develop the battery…
Read Full articlePlans are nothing, planning is everything
In an earlier blog I referred to leadership as the missing element in the drive towards net zero. Now we are seeing leadership on the issue emerging, both nationally – in some countries a lot more…
Read Full articleArtificial Intelligence in Energy Management Software
This is not a blog about AI, machine learning or even deep learning. It is about a quick review on how far energy management software (EMS) has developed over the last years. And if we can see first…
Read Full articleNew Utility Business Model: leverage customer base
New Utility Busines Model: leverage customer base The typical utility model of the past is dead. The rise of renewables is often mentioned as one of the key reasons. Giant utilities were and are…
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