2 non-legislative EU initiatives for industrial energy efficiency
2 non-legislative EU initiatives for industrial energy efficiency The industrial energy efficiency community was downcast late last year after the European Commission published its clean energy…
Read Full articleRecovering waste heat for a greener Portugal
Meet the European project EMB3Rs, that is finding new ways to recycle industrial waste heat to raise energy efficiency, cut carbon emissions and end fuel poverty in Portugal. Take a trip to Lisbon's…
Read Full articlePowering Europe's Clean Energy Future: Key Elements of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive
The European Union has taken a major step forward in its efforts to combat climate change and reduce energy consumption with the adoption of a Energy Efficiency Directive . This landmark legislation…
Read Full articleEscaping the horns of a dilemma
“Phaedrus, however, because of his training in logic, was aware that every dilemma affords not two but three classic refutations, and he also knew of a few that weren’t so classic, so he smiled back.”…
Read Full articleIndustry, street lighting and district energy: Launch of new project to “unlock” access to financing
We need your technical knowledge: Help us “unlock” access to financing for industry, street lighting and district energy The Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to develop a system to…
Read Full articleDepleting stupidity
First published here . I was glad to see that Amory Lovins returned to the subject of the size of the energy efficiency resource in a recent paper in Environmental Research Letters . Amory mentions…
Read Full articleThe Times Are A-Changin’
In 1964, Bob Dylan wrote one of those classic songs that have remained powerful over the years. He wrote the song as a deliberate attempt to create an anthem of change for the time. What does this…
Read Full articleHow do we get the renovation wave rolling in Germany?
The European Union announced a major renovation wave last fall. It wants to double the rate of renovation in existing buildings over the next ten years. This is urgently needed, because buildings play…
Read Full articleIs the future synthetic? E-fuels and the future energy system
I’ve previously talked about the challenges of finding an energy source for industries needing a source of concentrated energy such as aviation or even space flight . In my discussion I highlighted…
Read Full articleToo good to be true? Not really: a word to the captains of industry
LATEST NEWS EEIP will present the ICP project during a mobile VR event at Hannover Messe 2018 ! ............................. It is encouraging to see in the press that the rate of growth of the…
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