How does COVID19 affect energy efficiency plans of industry?
How does COVID19 affect energy efficiency plans of industry? What framework(s) are effective to help decarbonise industry? Do companies plan to decarbonise? How/by when? What are the short term plans…
Read Full articleSUSl Partners

SUSI Partners AG is a socially and ecologically responsible Swiss investment advisor to Sustainable SàRL. A sustainable asset manager offering quality products in the sustainable asset class intended for qualified investors seeking to diversify their portfolio. Each of Sustainable SàRL’s funds is guided by the following…
Hannover Trade Fair 2017
Join us at world´s leading industrial trade fair Hannover Messe 2017 (24-28 April) Meet our European and German team: Flavio Steinbach , EEIP DACH Simone Ciolek , EEIP DACH Juergen Ritzek , EEIP Business Director (mobile: +32 / 486 / 671.255) Hashtag…
DetailsBe a ZEECO – Good practice or SME to become a ZEro Emission Company
On May 4th 2021, CLEOPA GmbH and its energy efficiency expert team presented the DEESME project, its services and solutions during its first dissemination event entitled ‘Be a ZEECO – good practice for SME to become a ZEro Emission COmpany‘. The…
DetailsWomen as leaders of renewable energy shift in heating and cooling
Meeting the EU’s climate ambitions outlined in the EU Green Deal will be, by design, a transformative process for our economies and societies. Delivering on promises of sizable emission reduction…
Read Full articleState-of-the-art of the industrial digital landscape
The last industrial revolution may have started in the digital service sector but in the past decade heavy industries are slowly embracing the new digital wave with the design and development of…
Read Full articleEurovision – how energy efficiency became a showstopper
This week Europe is enjoying three evenings of the Eurovision Song Contest , two semi-finals and the final on Saturday evening. This has been a wonderful way of bringing Europeans together to watch…
Read Full articleThe International Metallurgy and Materials Congress - IMMC
The International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (IMMC) will be held online, June 10-12, 2021 by the Training Center of UCTEA - Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers (METEM). IMMC2021 provides a platform for researchers, scientists,…
DetailsThe European Investment Bank (EIB) revises energy lending criteria
The European Investment Bank (EIB) will phase out support to energy projects reliant on fossil fuels: oil & gas production, infrastructure primarily dedicated to natural gas, power generation or heat…
Read Full articleTransitioning industrial zones into hubs for circularity
University of Twente’s Sustainable Circular Economy research team, led by Devrim Murat Yazan is spearheading the innovative Horizon-Europe Innovation Action project, entitled ‘ Sustainable Circular…
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