Be a ZEECO – Good practice or SME to become a ZEro Emission Company
On May 4th 2021, CLEOPA GmbH and its energy efficiency expert team presented the DEESME project, its services and solutions during its first dissemination event entitled ‘Be a ZEECO – good practice for SME to become a ZEro Emission COmpany‘. The…
DetailsThe Investor Confidence Project: The Time is Now
The end of the year normally makes us reflect on where we are and how we got there. In the past couple of months, we have been shocked by a special report from the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate…
Read Full article2 non-legislative EU initiatives for industrial energy efficiency
2 non-legislative EU initiatives for industrial energy efficiency The industrial energy efficiency community was downcast late last year after the European Commission published its clean energy…
Read Full articleHarnessing Carbon: Europe's Ambitious Plan for Industrial Carbon Management
In an era where climate change looms large, the European Union is taking bold steps to reshape its industrial landscape. The EU's strategy for industrial carbon management, as outlined in a recent…
Read Full articleTOWARDS A DECARBONIZED EUROPE: Increasing energy efficiency in SMEs for clean energy transition
Building on the results of 7 EU-funded projects*, this session provides guidelines and good practice to implement energy efficiency solutions and to facilitate the energy transition. SMEs have a high untapped energy saving potential which can be…
DetailsWebinar on the impacts of Energy Efficiency projects in the Industry and Services sectors
EASME will present key results of a study assessing the impact of 41 EU-funded projects (both Intelligent Energy Europe-II and H2020 programmes), which focused on supporting the uptake of energy efficiency measures in the Industry and Services…
DetailsC-level: New approach to safeguard energy efficiency investments
Industry is starting to get some answers Since the oil crises in the 1970s, industry has been treated specially, although not always in ways that led to important improvements in energy performance.…
Read Full articleIndustry – New Standards for easier Investments in Energy Efficiency
Check Recording Introduction Webinar : new protocols for industrial energy efficiency projects Sound familiar? When was the last time you walked on a factory floor or read an audit report or talked to…
Read Full articleCovenant of Mayors training on project financing
Invitation only Together with Climate KIC, South Pole and the Investor Confidence Project, represented by EEIP Business Director Juergen Ritzek, this training session aims at providing assistance for local authorities interested in seeking financing…
DetailsJoint Declaration on the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition - Signed by Commission and all Member States
A Joint Declaration on energy efficiency financing and the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition (Coalition) has been signed today by the Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and the Energy…
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