Enhancing Marketing Success through Food Value Chains: A Guide to Creating Shared Value
The Emergence of Food Value Chains Food value chains represent a shift in the agribusiness sector toward integrating social mission objectives with business operations. These chains are characterized…
Read Full articlePDS Industry and Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)
This ICP Project Development Specification (PDS) represents a comprehensive resource designed for project specialists, third-party Quality Assurance Assessors, and investors to ensure that projects are developed in full compliance with the ICP Protocols. This document provides essential information about the protocol’s requirements, best practices, quality management tasks, and references to…
Read Full Business PracticePDS Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (BUL)
This ICP Project Development Specification (PDS) represents a comprehensive resource designed for project specialists, third-party Quality Assurance Assessors, and investors to ensure that projects are developed in full compliance with the ICP Protocols. This document provides essential information about the protocol’s requirements, best practices, quality management tasks, and references to…
Read Full Business PracticeEnergy Efficiency in Industrial Processes
Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP) is a free, neutral and open, business & policy platform for industrial energy efficiency. At its core is the idea that energy efficiency is more than technology, and that market growth can be accelerated through information and best practice exchange. In practice, EEIP network…
Street Lighting: help us unlock access to financing - we need your technical knowledge
We need your technical knowledge: Help us “unlock” access to financing for street lighting The Investor Confidence Project , funded by the European Commission, was brought to Europe to develop a…
Read Full articleBe a ZEECO – Good practice or SME to become a ZEro Emission Company
On May 4th 2021, CLEOPA GmbH and its energy efficiency expert team presented the DEESME project, its services and solutions during its first dissemination event entitled ‘Be a ZEECO – good practice for SME to become a ZEro Emission COmpany‘. The…
DetailsTOWARDS A DECARBONIZED EUROPE: Increasing energy efficiency in SMEs for clean energy transition
Building on the results of 7 EU-funded projects*, this session provides guidelines and good practice to implement energy efficiency solutions and to facilitate the energy transition. SMEs have a high untapped energy saving potential which can be…
DetailsEnergy Efficiency Finance Market Place
The conference " Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place ", organised by European Commission's Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) , is taking place in Brussels on 18-19 January 2017. The conference is the third in a series…
Leitmesse für Energieeffizienz in Unternehmen, Kommunen und Immobilienwirtschaft. Über 20 Marktneuheiten, 50 Best Practice Beispiele, Expertenwissen aus erster Hand. Inclusive Energiemanagement Kongress Deutschlands großer Energiemanagement Kongress…
DetailsTransforming the Global Food Sector: A Path to Energy-Smart Practices
The FAO 2011 paper titled "Energy-Smart Food for People and Climate" presents a compelling argument for transforming the global food sector to address the challenges of energy use, food security, and…
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