Managing Utility Maintenance With Virtual and Augmented Reality

09 July 2021 by Chloe Kirby
Managing Utility Maintenance With Virtual and Augmented Reality


Virtual and augmented reality are becoming a huge resource for training better employees. VR apps offer the best way for new employees to experience on-the-job crises. Virtual spaces for training are helping employees get real-world experience without ever leaving a training area. VR can also assist in the management and analysis of these utility machines, not just training. This investment now ends up saving money over time as you continue to reap the rewards of increased insight over performance via VR spaces. Now is the Time to invest in VR technologies for utility maintenance and explore options in VR apps and technologies today! virtual and augmented

VR spaces offer a ton of potential for utility companies seeking to improve revenue and performance within the organization. These technological investments lead to operational savings and better performance from both employees and the machines they manage. The investment ends up save money as you continues to reap rewards of increasing insight over time and explore these technological investments and explore the benefits of these technologies.

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Managing Utility Maintenance With Virtual and Augmented Reality

The utilities industry involves some incredibly complex and dynamic machinery. With an environment like this, extensive training and knowledge is required of everyone involved in the maintenance and management of these systems. As we’ve learned time and time again, the best way to avoid unnecessary risks and complications is to take full advantage of technological advances to better maintain these crucial practices.


When it comes to managing utility maintenance, three things are absolutely necessary. Firstly, it’s crucial that managers effectively track and analyze machine stability and output for optimum performance. Secondly, it’s important that those on the frontline are given every necessary amount of training to not only perform their role but also spot problems as they arise on the job. Lastly, and most importantly, utility maintenance professionals should always be eager to engage with new resources that improve the job. 


With all of these considerations in mind, one technology stands out among the rest: virtual and augmented reality. Utilizing a VR app for management and maintenance within the utilities industry can be a game-changer for companies looking to better optimize their operations. Here’s how utility maintenance is becoming more sustainable and effective thanks to this emerging technology. 


How Does VR Impact Training and Performance in the Utilities Industry?

For any technical job, it’s crucial to have a trained workforce. When it comes to working closely with machinery and systems that are deeply complicated by necessity, this element of an organization is even all the more important. Luckily, organizations are finding that VR training is becoming a huge resource for training better employees. In fact, VR spaces for training are helping employees get real-world experience without ever leaving a training area. There’s a good reason many organizations are making this investment in their training repertoire. 


For example, let’s take something like a utility maintenance employee. On a daily basis, it’s likely that any number of complications could pop up and impede on the normal operations of the day. In these cases, new employees might have read about the complication in a manual or even completed a computer-led training program. The knowledge of issues is crucial, but what’s more important is actual experience addressing these issues hands-on.


Without simulating actual complications within very expensive systems that certainly don’t need the extra stress, VR apps offer the best way for new employees to experience on-the-job crises and learn how to best manage the situations. It’s not just new employees who can benefit from this either. Once an organization invests in VR technologies for training, you can perform performance upkeep with employees by allowing them to spend time assessing difficult situations within the VR space. 


Brushing up on safety standards via pamphlets or company emails is one thing. Getting real time with the issues that can create on-job risks and headaches is a whole other experience worth offering. Not to mention, VR can also assist in the management and analysis of these utility machines, not just training.


How VR Works for Utility Management

Any utility company knows that a breakdown or lapse in normal operations is far from the only concern on a day-to-day basis. Most days, things will go according to plan. That said, a recurring concern is the actual performance of utility machines integral to the effectiveness and proficiency of systems. 


VR can assist with this as well and has already made a huge impact on organizations that utilize virtual spaces to gain additional insight into the performance of their machines. For example, tracking operational efficiencies is infinitely easier when you can work within an interactive space rather than just stare at charts and graphs.  


As utility performance managers, professionals require the knowledge to know when something looks like it’s failing to meet its utmost potential. That could simply mean a drawback of the current operations plan or the need to replace machine parts. From time to time, complete replacements of machines themselves might be in order. Working in a virtual space to manage this data can help to provide clarity for operational decisions and changes. 


Overall, analytics provide insights that can really help increase revenue over time via monitoring the smallest and most particular changes in how utility machinery is performing. This investment now ends up saving money over time as you continue to reap the rewards of increased insight over performance via VR spaces.


Now is the Time to Invest in VR

Virtual and augmented reality spaces offer a ton of potential for utility companies seeking to improve revenue and performance within the organization. These technological investments lead to operational savings and better performance from both employees and the machines they manage. Take full advantage of this booming aspect of utility maintenance and explore options in VR apps and technologies today!



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