Policy & Regulation

You've got a friend

In the EU there are 22 million small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which provide around 89 million jobs and represent 99% of all enterprises but seldom have the capacity to systematically exploit energy savings. The market share of low cost potential for energy savings in SMEs is particularly high, (Energy Efficiency - the first fuel for the EU Economy, EEFIG, February 2015, p. 38) We need financial institutions to join our Investor Confidence Projects Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™ (IREE™) Technical assistance is available for the pilot projects from ICP Europe. ICP Europe is now looking for for potential pilot projects to test the approach. We are also looking for more members of the Investors Network. You have Got a Friend, by Carole King, to help SMEs understand the potential of energy efficiency improvements and to undertake the necessary energy conservation measures. to reduce energy efficiency. and to reduce the cost of the energy efficiency measures.

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Policy & Regulation

The ICP VR event at Hannover Messe 2018

EEIP, a global energy industrial network, perfectly fitted in the role of the discoverer of the link among innovative technologies. Investors, businesses, IT specialists and engineers approached, in a virtual light. They showed interest in the theme energy finance.

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The ICP VR event at Hannover Messe 2018

Does VR work for Energy Efficiency markets? A review of the VR presentation of the Investor Confidence Project at Hannover Messe 2018
Policy & Regulation

Does VR work for Energy Efficiency markets? A review of the VR presentation of the Investor Confidence Project at Hannover Messe 2018

Investor Confindence Project ICP is partner in the EU funded H2020 project ICP. ICP aims to better connect financial markets with energy efficiency sector in Europe. The approach is build on what financial markets call the "DNA" of business.

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Delivering Energy Efficiency in Industry: How the Hera Group turned an obligation into an innovative and successful business strategy
Policy & Regulation

Delivering Energy Efficiency in Industry: How the Hera Group turned an obligation into an innovative and successful business strategy

Hera Group is an Italian multi-utility owned for the majority by local municipalities. From 2005 to 2016 Hera delivered 205 energy-saving projects in the industrial sector. The majority of energy efficiency interventions that Hera identifies have a payback period below 5.

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Energy Transition goes virtual - the ICP project
Policy & Regulation

Energy Transition goes virtual - the ICP project

Energy efficiency is the hottest energy-related topic. We will provide up to 50 "physical" participants with a mobileVR headset. The solution we have choosen works simultaniously via laptop, mobile and full VR. You can join the event.

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Join us in a novel approach to increase investments in industrial energy efficiency: training for project developers starts April 27th
Policy & Regulation

Join us in a novel approach to increase investments in industrial energy efficiency: training for project developers starts April 27th

Investor Confidence Project aims to de-risk industrial energy efficiency investments. It is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. The first training is scheduled for April 27, 2018 at 10:00 European Summer Time.

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India – a global player in energy efficiency
Policy & Regulation

India – a global player in energy efficiency

EESL is a central player in the Indian energy efficiency market. It is best known for its LED programme, UJALA, which has distributed more than 270 million LEDs across India. In November I made my first ever visit to India to.

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The HERA Group, from local utility to global sustainable development. A unique approach that could change the way utilities do business around the world
Policy & Regulation

The HERA Group, from local utility to global sustainable development. A unique approach that could change the way utilities do business around the world

Hera Group is an Italian multi-utility that respects the environment while creating shared value to its customers. Hera is one of Italys biggest local utility companies, a leader in energy, waste management, and water services, serving more than 4 million.

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Too good to be true?  Not really:  a word to the captains of industry
Policy & Regulation

Too good to be true? Not really: a word to the captains of industry

EEIP will present the ICP project during a mobile VR event at Hannover Messe 2018. ICP brought to Europe to develop a system to give confidence to all stakeholders. The Investor Confidence Project is there to remove many of the complications .

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Increasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency in industry
Policy & Regulation

Increasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency in industry

EEVS survey in the UK shows that over 5 years only 5% of projects were financed by third party finance. Most of the time the investor is the CFO, in fact even if projects are externally financed. In any organisation things that are.

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