Policy & Regulation

Energy audit in SMEs could unlock great energy efficiency potential in Europe: a focus on the Italian model.

Energy audits play an essential role in the achievement of energy savings at the European level. They are an effective tool to provide the necessary information on the existing energy consumption and the opportunities to save energy. In Italy large enterprises are about 3 500, while there are about 4.3 million of SMEs in Italy. The total energy intensive enterprises amounted at 2 772[i] as of 2014, and 2 929 as of 2015. These companies have a tax relief on the electric bills energy cost. From July 20, 2016, energy audits can only be carried out by entities or qualified experts certified by accredited bodies ESCOs under UNI CEI 11 11. Italy is home to the largest industrial and services enterprises in Italy, with 2,772 [i] according to the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), and 2,929 of the Italian nationalInstitute of high-quality audits. from July 20th, 2016 the European Commission (ESCOs.

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Whirlwind: Approval process European Commission´s clean energy package
Policy & Regulation

Whirlwind: Approval process European Commission´s clean energy package

The European Commissions clean energy - or ‘winter - package is producing a whirlwind of activity in its approval process. There are some critical issues related to the approval process of the package. From the current 27% non-binding target, the Commission.

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Why Germany needs a European Energiewende
Policy & Regulation

Why Germany needs a European Energiewende

The European Union is currently negotiating its 2030 energy goals. Rebecca Bertram looks at why Germany needs a European Energiewende. She says Germany has benefited significantly from the integrated European power grid. Germany needs Europe to drive its own Energ.

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The key to scaling up energy efficiency – new business models and structures
Policy & Regulation

The key to scaling up energy efficiency – new business models and structures

There are signs that the foundations of a functioning energy efficiency financing market are now being put in place. Investor Confidence Project is rolling out its Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™ project certification system in the US Europe, with growing interest from India, China .

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Where is industry in addressing Europe’s climate and energy obligations?
Policy & Regulation

Where is industry in addressing Europe’s climate and energy obligations?

The European Commission published its proposals to revise its array of clean energy legislation. Informally, the proposals are known as the Winter Package. It proposed a new energy saving target for 2030 - 30%, up from 27% and now binding instead of indicative.

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ISO 50001: easier Article 8 compliance, plus energy cost savings
Policy & Regulation

ISO 50001: easier Article 8 compliance, plus energy cost savings

ISO 50001 certification exempts businesses from a separate 4-yearly energy audit. It does this by re-shaping an organisations whole energy culture. One client, a refinery, has so far logged energy cost savings of £5 million a year.

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Five trends for Energy Efficiency in 2017
Policy & Regulation

Five trends for Energy Efficiency in 2017

The most cost effective energy efficiency came from states where utilities were given the flexibility to administer programs. Leveraging technology and AMI data has opened new opportunities for energy usage data. Advances in both technology and automation are bringing new players into .

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What the EU "Winter Package" means for industry
Policy & Regulation

What the EU "Winter Package" means for industry

The European Commission published its proposals for the contribution of clean energy in meeting the EUs obligations for the Paris climate agreement. The winter package is appropriately entitled Clean Energy for All Europeans. But there are clear, and somewhat puzzling, proposals for industry too.

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Turkey: Industrial energy efficiency strategy
Policy & Regulation

Turkey: Industrial energy efficiency strategy

Turkey is creating the foundation for an effective industrial energy efficiency strategy. Energy efficiency is a stated priority for both its energy and climate change policies in Turkey. The manufacturing industry is one of the main drivers of Turkish economy, accounting for about 24% of total.

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Industrial energy efficiency in Germany
Policy & Regulation

Industrial energy efficiency in Germany

Drivers and business opportunities in the German Energy Efficiency market. And how GTAI (German Trade and Invest) and EEIP can support your market entry. The GER EE market is expected to grow from €99bn to €176bn between 2013 .

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