Policy & Regulation

Industry’s role in addressing climate change

Only 19% of the largest, listed industrial companies are aligned with a pathway to keep global warming to 2 degrees C or below 29% are set to align their emissions with Paris Pledges by 2030 - up from 24% in 2018. In Europe we have several opportunities to discuss how we can get industry to make energy efficiency a higher priority. Industry 5.0 - decarbonisation - will characterise the next big step in the industrial transformation. The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee) is organising a conference on June 16-18, 2020 in Gothenburg, Sweden. industrial efficiency 2020 will explore current and emerging trends in industry, such as new business models, digitalisation, industry 4.0, the circular economy and resource efficiency. And if you are involved in a separate initiative, please let us know. There will be about 120 presentations in six panels. and discuss the multiple benefits of energy efficiency are of particular interest.

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New decade opens with cascade of US coal plant closures
Policy & Regulation

New decade opens with cascade of US coal plant closures

The new decade is opening with a mounting cascade of plant closures in the United States coal industry. Investors abandoning ship, revenue driven down by record-low gas and renewable energy prices, and communities asking increasingly tough questions about the coal-fired generating stations in.

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6 Lessons on energy decarbonization from countries leading the way
Policy & Regulation

6 Lessons on energy decarbonization from countries leading the way

China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ethiopia and the United Kingdom are further along than many others. Energy production and use accounts for about three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions. Three main strategies can help countries meet energy needs with zero-carbon emissions:.

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EEIP - Strategical partnership with EUSEW2020
Policy & Regulation

EEIP - Strategical partnership with EUSEW2020

EEIP has been selected as a ‘strategical partner for EUSEW 2020’ 2020 has been a mythical year for energy efficiency since 2009. EEIP commitment has since stretched beyond the ‘third pillar, energy efficiency’.

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Europe's one trillion climate finance plan
Policy & Regulation

Europe's one trillion climate finance plan

The European Green Deal Investment Plan is designed to attract at least one trillion euros of public and private investment over the next decade. Turning the EU into a climate neutral economy by 2050 will require massive investment in clean energy technologies. Only achieving an interim greenhouse.

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Microsoft details long-term plan for becoming carbon negative
Policy & Regulation

Microsoft details long-term plan for becoming carbon negative

Microsoft executives announced plans today for the company to become carbon negative by 2030 and then by 2050 to remove all the carbon from the environment that Microsoft has emitted directly or through electrical consumption since it was founded in 1975. The compny hs been working for months on .

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'A Massive Victory': BlackRock CEO Promises to Center Climate Change in Investment Strategy
Policy & Regulation

'A Massive Victory': BlackRock CEO Promises to Center Climate Change in Investment Strategy

Larry Fink, CEO of money management firm BlackRock, announced the company would prioritize the climate crisis in deciding on investments and strategies going forward. The new direction for BlackRock is the result of a hard-fought effort by a group of dedicated activists.

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China faces 4 big risks if it continues building more coal plants
Policy & Regulation

China faces 4 big risks if it continues building more coal plants

Chinas coal fleet is over capacity; most plants only operating at about 50% of capacity. Health and air pollution costs could grow substantially by 2030 if coal plants continue to operate at current rates. China is the world leader on clean energy.

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H2020-funded project RETROFEED kicks off in Brussels
Policy & Regulation

H2020-funded project RETROFEED kicks off in Brussels

RETROFEED is a project funded under the European Commissions program Horizon 2020. The project aims at an increase of 22% in resource efficiency and 19% in energy efficiency. Project partners boast years of experience in European projects and the development of innovative.

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Reflections on the European Commission’s proposal for a European Green Deal
Policy & Regulation

Reflections on the European Commission’s proposal for a European Green Deal

The European Commission has published its European Green Deal. It covers all sectors of the economy, notably transport, energy, agriculture, buildings, and industries such as steel, cement, ICT, textiles and chemicals. The Commission will present within 100 days.

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