G20 Global Summit on Financing Energy Efficiency, Innovation and Clean Technology
The 2019 General Assembly will offer a unique opportunity for Smart city actors to exchange best practices, present projects, find partners, and stimulate discussions helping the development of innovative ideas. The purpose of the 2019 General…
DetailsDecarbEurope campaign launched in Brussels
Today, 12 European organisations have presented the Report “DecarbEurope 2017: Connecting technologies for a cleaner future”. The publication is a first landmark of this multi-partner and…
Read Full articleEEIP - Strategical partnership with EUSEW2020
EU Sustainable Energy Week, the key annual event in the EU energy transition and sustainable energy calendar, has been the most consistent frontline activity for us at Energy Efficiency in Industrial…
Read Full articleUSA: EEIP´s new partner PUMP MARKETING SOLUTIONS (PMS)
USA industrial energy efficiency “The industrial sector is vital to the U.S. economy, but at the same time consumes the most energy in the country to manufacture products…”. This is how the US Office…
Read Full articleH2020-funded project RETROFEED kicks off in Brussels
Implementing smart retrofitting frameworks in the process industry towards its operation with variable, biobased and circular feedstock The 26 th and 27 th November 2019 mark the official launch of…
Read Full articleState-of-the-art of the industrial digital landscape
The last industrial revolution may have started in the digital service sector but in the past decade heavy industries are slowly embracing the new digital wave with the design and development of…
Read Full articleThe International Metallurgy and Materials Congress - IMMC
The International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (IMMC) will be held online, June 10-12, 2021 by the Training Center of UCTEA - Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers (METEM). IMMC2021 provides a platform for researchers, scientists,…
DetailsThe transformation of energy intensive industries
The latest records are mind-blowing: up to 50% energy savings and possibly even more. During the last 4,5 years new heat pipe heat exchangers were implemented at three industrial demo-sites: an…
Read Full articleWe accelerate the Energy Transition.
The energy transition is already happening today. The fourth liberalisation package is going through the EU codecision process and it introduces exciting new elements for a demand-driven electricity…
Read Full articleHow to enter a 100 billion Euro market? – Industrial Energy Efficiency in Germany [WEBINAR EEIP & GTAI]
How to enter a 100 billion market? - webinar with EEIP & GTAI On Wednesday, the 12th of October 2016 , EEIP and GT&I (German Trade & Invest, agency of German ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) are running 2 joint webinars to showcase business…