Artificial Intelligence in Energy Management Software
This is not a blog about AI, machine learning or even deep learning. It is about a quick review on how far energy management software (EMS) has developed over the last years. And if we can see first…
Read Full articleExplaining the Jargon behind the Internet of Things
IoT or the Internet of Things is not only changing how our ‘things’ communicate, it is also changing our vocabularies. Networking has developed its own lexicon and often people do not fully explain their jargon in simple context. This is an attempt by Wesely Whited, a DNV GL lighting and controls consultant, to translate the most common terms used into a language that is easy to understand. From…
Read Full Business PracticeManaging Utility Maintenance With Virtual and Augmented Reality
The utilities industry involves some incredibly complex and dynamic machinery. With an environment like this, extensive training and knowledge is required of everyone involved in the maintenance and…
Read Full articleDigital Revolution in Motor Systems: Powering the Future of Energy Efficiency
In an era where energy efficiency is paramount, the digitalization of motor systems emerges as a game-changer in the industrial landscape. This transformation is not just about adopting new…
Read Full articleDigital Transformation of Energy Utilities – Shifting Gears?
Since 2014, utilities have been increasing their investment in digital infrastructure. This is the key finding of the IEA report “energy and digitalization ” which was published in November 2017. This…
Read Full articleThe Great EENOVA Adventure: Benny the Baker's Wacky Quest for Energy-Smart Snacks!
Once upon a time in the bustling land of Foodville, there was a grand project called EENOVA. But this wasn't your typical boring project with spreadsheets and dull meetings. No, no! EENOVA was a…
Read Full articleEnergy Optimization using Artificial Intelligence (AI) on HVAC system
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems accounting for substantial energy consumption up to 40% of total energy consumption in buildings, no matter the type of building as a…
Read Full articleInnovation is improving electric motors in five key ways
Electric motors can be found in everything from cars to toothbrushes. Electric motors-and the systems they use- account for more than 40% of global electricity consumption, according to the…
Read Full articleState-of-the-art of the industrial digital landscape
The last industrial revolution may have started in the digital service sector but in the past decade heavy industries are slowly embracing the new digital wave with the design and development of…
Read Full articleNew Utility Business Model: leverage customer base
New Utility Busines Model: leverage customer base The typical utility model of the past is dead. The rise of renewables is often mentioned as one of the key reasons. Giant utilities were and are…
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