The Mechanics of Ceramics: How the Industry Can Decarbonize
Although the world’s industries have tried to transition to more sustainable methods, the annual global extraction of materials has tripled over the last 50 years. In Europe’s ceramics industry has…
Read Full article6 Use Cases: Open Call for Innovative Grid Services
INTERRFACE, an H2020 project in the field of innovative grid services, publishes an Open Call for innovators with up to €60,000 awarded to each successful applicant. A sister (or rather parent)…
Presenting the key results of the EU-funded ETEKINA project on the development, construction and comissioning of three prototypes of new heat pipe heat exchangers (HPHE), recovering more than 40% of waste heat streams in energy intensive industries.…
DetailsReducing emission from cement and steel manufacturing
Electricity is remarkably versatile in terms of its potential uses, but some industrial processes will be difficult to decarbonise irrespective of Europe’s overall decarbonisation strategy. Cement,…
Read Full articleIntroduction to ICP for industry, street lighting and district energy (1h webinar)
The webinar will introduce the new work of ICP Europe for industry, district energy and street lighting. It will highlight the benefits for industry, project developers/ESCOs and financial markets/investors how stakeholders can participate , e.g. by…
DetailsHEAT PUMPS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 2022 - status report
This report is an output of the Clean Energy Technology Observatory, which is being implemented by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre on behalf of its DG Research and Innovation, in…
Read Full articleInfluencing the European Green Deal and industrial strategy: Leaders and laggards among small EU states
Towards the end of its six-month EU presidency, in late December 2019, Finland offered the same free gift to all EU member states it had already given to folk at home: a basic online course in…
Read Full articleBest Practices to tackle an investor raise
One best practice for project developers is learning from the experiences of other entrepreneurs and investors. At Joule Assets Europe, we work with project developers and investors. Gearing up for…
Read Full articleMore evidence of problems with EU Emissions Trading System
There are concerns in the UK that Tata Steel could close its operations, leading to severe job cuts and economic disruption. Looking at the company from another angle, Arthur Neslen writes in The…
Read Full articleJoin us in a novel approach to increase investments in industrial energy efficiency: training for project developers starts April 27th
First training: April 27, 2018 at 10:00 European Summer Time Register via https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3053117680504219137 Recently, I wrote to the “captains of industry ” to encourage…
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