Last call to participate - Energy Efficiency Barometer of Industry 2017 (also in SWE, SP, ...)
The International Energy Efficiency Barometer of Industry by EEP, the Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production, University of Stuttgart, Germany This is the last call to participate. The survey…
Read Full articleUtility of the future
Energy Efficiency in industrial processes is part of the Demand Side Management of the energy markets. However, there are many developments clearly indicating that the time is over where the different…
Read Full articleDavos Energy Week
Davos Energy Week is a three-day event, the main goal of which is to draw the attention of the world's business leaders of the key issues of the energy industry. It includes a series of online panels, keynotes, presentations, startup pitches and other activities enhanced by offline engagements for the participants - top managers…
Industrial energy efficiency in Germany
Drivers and business opportunities in the German Energy Efficiency market ...and how GTAI (German Trade & Invest) and EEIP can support your market entry (Highllights of Oct2016 webinar) On 12th of…
Read Full articleRecovering waste heat for a greener Portugal
Meet the European project EMB3Rs, that is finding new ways to recycle industrial waste heat to raise energy efficiency, cut carbon emissions and end fuel poverty in Portugal. Take a trip to Lisbon's…
Read Full articleDecarbonisation of the Energy Intensive Industries through renewables
Decarbonisation of Energy Intensive Industries through renewables. Agenda and registration: The online webinar will focus on decarbonisation of the…
DetailsErik Gudbjerg
Erik is director of yourenergy and an international expert on Industrial Energy Efficiency and Energy Management System Implementation. Erik has assisted over 200 organisations in implementing and improving Energy Management in Malaysia, China,…
Author detailsC-level: New approach to safeguard energy efficiency investments
Industry is starting to get some answers Since the oil crises in the 1970s, industry has been treated specially, although not always in ways that led to important improvements in energy performance.…
Read Full articleWhy Germany needs a European Energiewende
Why Germany needs a European Energiewende The European Union is currently negotiating its 2030 energy goals. So far, the German Energiewende has been criticized for being too inward-looking. Yet it is…
Read Full articleHow do we get the renovation wave rolling in Germany?
The European Union announced a major renovation wave last fall. It wants to double the rate of renovation in existing buildings over the next ten years. This is urgently needed, because buildings play…
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