Compressed Air: Energy efficiency at the top of the ComVac agenda (HM17)
The latest edition of ComVac will soon be staged: from 24 to 28 April 2017 in Hannover, Germany, under the umbrella of HANNOVER MESSE. All up, some 260 exhibitors will be there in halls 26 and 27 to…
Read Full articleIntegrating energy and material efficiency in public distribution transformers
There is growing recognition that the energy transition can only be sustainable if material use is part of the equation, an aspect reflected in recent EU regulatory initiatives. In electrical systems,…
Read Full articleWhy would you use hydrogen for power generation?
This question has puzzled me quite a bit and when I recently asked it of my LinkedIn network the post quickly shot up to well over 15,000 views in a couple of days as the debate raged on in the…
Read Full articleWaste heat: recovering a valuable renewable resource
The new heat recovery platform, EMB3Rs , can help industries find the best ways to re-use the waste heat energy that would normally be released to our environment. Here’s how it matches heat sources…
Read Full articleUNIDO: Industrial energy efficiency: Picking the low-hanging fruit
The following article is the keynote article in the Global Sustain Yearbook 2016/17 by LI Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Li Yong focusses on…
Read Full articleRussia's hydrogen for Japan
Russia is all set to gain a foothold in the global hydrogen sector in what looks like a bid to be a key supplier for Japan, which has ambitious targets for adoption of the fuel by 2050. Japan's plans…
Read Full articleLessons from the dim and distant past on how to reduce energy demand
The war in Ukraine, which now seems as if it will last a long-time, is one of the most important threats we face. Preventing, or in this case, correcting, the illegal annexation of a sovereign country…
Read Full articleFour reasons why financial institutions should be active in energy efficiency
Four reasons why financial institutions should be active in energy efficiency This is the first in a series of blogs based on and picking up key elements in the EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit which was…
Read Full articleGreen Aviation
First published here Those who know me will know of my life long-love of aviation. I wanted to be a test pilot even before wanting to be an astronaut but ended up getting into energy. My…
Read Full articleHow waste heat recovery will change the landscapes
Each year industries across Europe allow a valuable source of heat energy to simply escape out their chimneys. An EU-funded project called ETEKINA has reimagined a decades-old technology called heat…
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