Data analytics can identify potential customers where there may be energy efficiency opportunities. Existing load information cannot determine exactly what is creating the load pattern. analytics can only provide directional vs. actionable information. It will never be able to gauge the interest and motivation of customers that have the choice to spend time and money on energy efficiency (or not) The role of energy efficiency experts who perform audits and/or assessments will also not go away in the near term, says Steve Baab, DNV GL. He says: ‘In my experience, face to face conversations work much better than computer algorithms’ Baumab: Getting people to become more energy efficient requires a conversation with the people who are using energy efficiency requires a discussion with people who have the potential to save energy and save energy. The energy efficiency expert will never have the ability to gauge energy efficiency potential to guide staff on which customers to save time and energy efficiency is a big difference between buildings that save energy efficiency.
Read Full articleCompressed Air: Energy efficiency at the top of the ComVac agenda (HM17)
The latest edition of ComVac will be staged from 24 to 28 April 2017 in Hannover, Germany. 260 exhibitors will be there in halls 26 and 27 to shocase the current state of the art in industrial compressed-air and vacuum-.
Read Full articleHydraulische Systeme - Optimierung Energieeffizienz
Kurzdarstellung des 4-Stufen Prozesses von KSB zur Optimierung der Energieeffizienz von hydraulischens Systemen. Mit einem Fokus auf den ges.
Read Full Business PracticeHydraulic system - energy efficiency optimization
This paper describes the 4 step approach of KSB to optimize the energy efficiency of a hydraulic system. It starts with a system analysis to detect optimization potential and ends with usage of smart pump technology and services during operation - see also paper on industry 4.0.
Read Full Business PracticeIndustrie 4.0 und smarte Pumpentechnologie
Smarte Pumpentechnologie und smarte Serviceleistungen kommen zusammen. Dies geschieht basierend auf den wesentlichen Produkteigenschaften Vernetzbarke.
Read Full Business PracticeIndustry 4.0 and smart pump technology
This paper shows the IoT or industry 4.0 approach of KSB. It describes how KSB sees smart pumps and smart services coming together. The paper also contains links to further information on KSB website. Back to Mail Online home.
Read Full Business PracticeNew - automated predictive maintenance using unstructured data
Warwick Analytics briefly describes their next level software developments leading to automated predictive maintenance. It also claims to solve implementation barriers like unstructured data or complex IT integration. The benefits of such tools like reduced downtime and a reduction of energy and waste is not new.
Read Full Business PracticeCybersecurity solutions designed to ensure the operational continuity of industrial (ICS/SCADA) networks
This short paper highlights the new risks that manufacturing companies are exposed to due to the adoption of IoT/Industrie4.0 technologies. SCADAfence at worlds leading trade fair Hannover Messe 2016, hall 7, stand A02.
Read Full Business PracticeSmart Metering : Is it really interesting for Industry?
The smart metering is literally the act of using a smart meter. 80% of smart meters roll out in Europe by 2020 is the goal the European Parliament set out in 2009. Smart metering represents as well a technological as an economic approach.
Read Full articleIncrease machine utilization via risk-based planning and scheduling
Risk based planning and scheduling (RPS) is the next generation of advanced planning. This paper from Simio describes the advantages of adding simulation to capture possible variations enhancing machine utilization. Which finally means less costs and less energy used per output.
Read Full Business Practice