Policy & Regulation
The European Cement Association published its Carbon Neutrality Roadmap. Roadmap sets out the cement industry's ambition to reach net zero emissions by 2050. By 2030, CEMBUREAU aspires to be in line with the Paris Agreements two degrees scenario, reducing CO2 emissions by 30% for cement and 40% down the value chain. The European Green Deal explicitly recognises the cement sector as an essential industry for the EU economy. Cement and concrete play a central role in achieving a carbon neutral and climate-resilient society. A level playing field on carbon, regulatory certainty as well as well as an ambitious industrial transformation agenda, will be pivotal to deliver the investments needed to achieve carbon neutrality. EIP contributes to the roadmap by being project partner of EU funded project RETROFEED and Secil representing cement sector. Its main objective is to enable the use of an increasingly variable, bio-based and circular feedstock in process industries.
Read Full articleReducing emission from cement and steel manufacturing
Electricity is versatile in terms of its potential uses, but some industrial processes will be difficult to decarbonise. Cement, steel and plastics manufacturing, in particular, pose major challenges. Emissions from cement manufacture could be reduced by as much as.
Read Full articleGreen groups outline their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader
Green groups have outlined their priorities to make Europes industry a global leader. A clean and responsible industry must be Europes answer to covid-19 crisis. renewable energy sector alone today employs around 1.2 million people in the EU.
Read Full articleEEIP is supporting #RenovationFund4All
We are ready to think bolder and bigger
Read Full articleReflections on the recent 2020 EEFIG plenary
The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) held its annual plenary session in Brussels. EEFIG was established in 2013 by the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy (DG Energy) and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP.
Read Full articleHow Energy Efficiency and Renewables will benefit from COVID-19
Since 1900 only three events had a greater impact on global energy demand than COVID-19: the Spanish flu, the Great Depression and World War II. Can we already predict the near and/or long term impact? Likely not. But we need.
Read Full articleCentral banks need to prepare for climate change
There is mounting evidence that climate change and environmental degradation pose an existential threat. Climate change drives policy-makers into a state of self-examination, says Andrew Hammond. He asks: Is the hallowed principle of ‘market neutrality still relevant in light.
Read Full articleChemical Industry could go totally carbon neutral
Switzerlands Federal Council has decided that the country should become carbon-neutral by 2050. This may be challenging as far as car traffic and the entire power sector are concerned. A switch of this kind will be more difficult for the chemical industry.
Read Full articleMythbusting: The footprint of renewable energy
By 2017, only 43,500 tons of PVP waste was created worldwide. By 2050 this number is expected to rise to 60 million tons. With better eco-design and new technologies, we may soon be able to re-use all of it.
Read Full articleRussia's hydrogen for Japan
Russia is all set to gain a foothold in the global hydrogen sector. It looks like a bid to be a key supplier for Japan, which has ambitious targets for adoption of the fuel by 2050. Russi hs been burned erlier on by delys in securing .
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