Last call to participate - Energy Efficiency Barometer of Industry 2017 (also in SWE, SP, ...)
The International Energy Efficiency Barometer of Industry by EEP, the Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production, University of Stuttgart, Germany This is the last call to participate. The survey…
Read Full articleSurvey open till 31 Dec: Industrial Energy Efficiency Barometer
Do you know where you stand? ‘Energy Efficiency Barometer’ taking stock of manufacturing sectors’ position on energy efficiency How energy efficient is production in the industrial sectors? How does…
Read Full article17.02: Live briefing/PK on the results of the winter survey of the "Energy Efficiency Index of German Industry".
The 2020 winter survey of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) shows a renewed increase in the importance of energy efficiency within German industry. While it was already apparent in the summer that the…
Read Full articleMotek 2018
Welcome to the World’s Leading Trade Fair The international trade fair Motek, which takes place in Stuttgart from 08.10.2018 – 11.10.2018, is the world’s leading event in the fields of production and assembly automation, feed technology and material…
DetailsOpen now: The Energy Efficiency Barometer of Industry - a tool to enhance industrial energy productivity
Open NOW, till the 30th of September The majority of industrial companies who recently participated in the Barometer, are already pursuing a systematic approach to increase energy efficiency.…
Read Full articleMotek: International trade fair for automation in production and assembly
Welcome to the World’s Leading Trade Fair The international trade fair Motek, which takes place in Stuttgart from 09.10.2017 – 12.10.2017 , is the world’s leading event in the fields of production and assembly automation, feed technology and material…
DetailsEnergieeffizienz-Gipfel 2017 des BDI
Auf dem Energieeffizienz-Gipfel 2017 werden Staatssekretär Dr. Georg Schütte und BDI-Präsident Prof. Dieter Kempf politische Positionsbestimmungen vornehmen. Weiterhin diskutieren Vertreter aus Industrie und Wissenschaft sowie Politiker aus Bund,…
DetailsMotek - International trade fair for automation in production and assembly
Meet EEIP @ Motek EEIP is the biggest and fastest growing global industry network for energy efficient products and services ( www.ee-ip.org ) Our German team will be there. For an appointment at the Motek fair, please contact Flavio Steinbach, +49…
DetailsEnergy Flexibility Initiative from the University of Stuttgart
At this Autumn’s session of the UNECE group of Experts on Energy Efficiency in Geneva, the groups’ Vice-Chair and Energy Efficiency in Production, University of Stuttgart (EEP) Head of International…
Read Full articleFacade greening - "Good for the environment and the feel-good factor".
Interview with Gregor Grassl, Associate Partner at Stuttgart-based planning and consulting firm Drees & Sommer SE. Urban buildings and flourishing nature do not have to be a contradiction in terms. On…
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