Buildings & Transport

New JRC report: Untapping multiple benefits: hidden values in environmental and building policies

Findings show that green policies can improve both our health and the economy. Study provides guidance to policy and decision-makers in developing a methodology for the inclusion of multiple benefits in a cost/benefit assessment of energy efficiency policies. It is envisaged that providing a macroeconomic understanding will encourage policy-makers and investors to develop and quantify the benefits of more effective energy efficiency in buildings and programmes and drive higher levels of renovation, thus supporting the EU’s Renovation Wave,’ This is an important report that supports the European Green Deals overarching aim of making Europe climate neutral in 2050. The report is available available here. It is available here here. Click here for more information on the EU'sRenovation Wave. Back to Mail Online home from the page you came from the EU.Back to the page from the previous page on the page: The European green deal. The EU Green Deals.

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How will energy look in 2030? My 10 predictions for the next 10 years!
Buildings & Transport

How will energy look in 2030? My 10 predictions for the next 10 years!

Ten years ago Matt Cardle was Christmas number one (anyone remember Mr Cardle?) and David Cameron had just started his 6 years in office. The UK Government predicted in its base case energy scenario that in 2020 electricity generation would be delivered with 75T.

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Electric cars better for climate in 95% of the world
Buildings & Transport

Electric cars better for climate in 95% of the world

Study by universities of Exeter, Nijmegen and Cambridge found that electric cars lead to lower carbon emissions overall. Under current conditions, driving an electric car is better for the climate than conventional petrol cars in 95% of the world. Study projects.

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Zero waste system: Rebuilding capital for a circular economy
Buildings & Transport

Zero waste system: Rebuilding capital for a circular economy

The number of zero-waste city projects is growing in Asia. But traditional development capital for waste systems is often misaligned with zero waste approaches. Incineration is the most expensive waste treatment system for construction, maintenance, and operations.

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Taking control of the energy transition… 5 ways our cities can tame the energy beast!
Buildings & Transport

Taking control of the energy transition… 5 ways our cities can tame the energy beast!

Cities of any size need to draw a line in the sand and assess where they are today. Assess what is the cities current consumption, what infrastructure assets already exist, how is energy already used? Take small steps now in the direction you want.

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An initiative to establish battery cell production in Germany and Europe
Buildings & Transport

An initiative to establish battery cell production in Germany and Europe

Two large-scale European projects are currently being developed in Europe to innovate and manufacture battery cells. The projects are to cover the entire value chain of battery cell manufacturing, from the materials to manufacturing and recycling. European Commission gave go-ahead for .

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China is investing $13 trillion in construction. Will it pursue zero carbon buildings?
Buildings & Transport

China is investing $13 trillion in construction. Will it pursue zero carbon buildings?

China has the largest buildings market in the world, making up 20% of all construction investment globally. China is expected to spend nearly $13 trillion on buildings by 2030. Building operations are responsible for 28% of global energy-related carbon emissions.

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Dubai announces that 25% of its buildings will be 3D printed in 2030
Buildings & Transport

Dubai announces that 25% of its buildings will be 3D printed in 2030

Dubai recently announced a 3D printing strategy to make it a leading hub for additive manufacturing in construction. The Emirate expects to reduce average building construction costs by 50 to 70%, and labour costs by as much as 80% with 3D-built structures.

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The future of flight – Three energy futures (electric, hydrogen or just less?)
Buildings & Transport

The future of flight – Three energy futures (electric, hydrogen or just less?)

Every minute 84 flights take off somewhere in the world with over 4 Billion journeys being made by plane. Burning nearly 300 million tonnes of Jet Fuel annually making up 2.7 percent of global CO2 emissions and global air travel is expected to double over the next.

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How energy efficiency upgrades can benefit building owners and tenants
Buildings & Transport

How energy efficiency upgrades can benefit building owners and tenants

E3 Prime Environments President, Curt Monhart, took a tour of a business operation with a high monthly utility bill. Monhart was keenly aware that simply replacing the obsolete HVAC system and upgrading the existing outdated lighting would yield significant cost savings.

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