
Energy Track & Trace using Blockchain

A buyer of electricity can be offered a traceable link of power supply from specific source(s) of renewable power. TYMLEZ can offer an API*-box for the traceability of the energy right from its source all the way to the consumer. The chain will guarantee faultless splitting of the assets. With periodical meter inputs unique certificates can be created on the blockchain. These certificates will show consumers the origin of energy. This could be from larger or smaller producers. The system also offers interesting expandability options such as p2p-trading integration and tracking trough storage. The entire API-box can integrate seamlessly with existing frontend systems.

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Energy revolution starts with Smart grids

Energy revolution starts with Smart grids

The EU is going to be boosted by an investment of almost 1 billion euros. About 84% of this amount should be used to support projects related to electricity and Smart grids. The aim is to transform the traditional power grid into a super-efficient network.

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State-of-the-art of the industrial digital landscape

State-of-the-art of the industrial digital landscape

The whole manufacturing sector digital maturity is currently scattered. Some sectors only now entering what is commonly called industry 4.0. Others are still lagging with minimal level of digital capabilities applied to their processes. There are quite significant differences even among global players.

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Innovators: €7.68 million Research and Development funding to dramatically change renovations

Innovators: €7.68 million Research and Development funding to dramatically change renovations

The Horizon-project procuRE has released the Research and Development services tender (TED) It calls for the development of breakthrough solutions to renovate existing buildings to be supplied with 100% renewable supply. The deadline for submission is 22.2.22.

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Is the future of flight smaller, local and more decentralised?

Is the future of flight smaller, local and more decentralised?

Before Covid19 the aviation sector was pegged for year on year growth. The energy transition and digitalisation change the way we need to think about aviation. Hydrogen and Batteries come with energy density challenges. Airports are frustrating places causing.

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Managing Utility Maintenance With Virtual and Augmented Reality

Managing Utility Maintenance With Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and augmented reality are becoming a huge resource for training better employees. VR apps offer the best way for new employees to experience on-the-job crises. Virtual spaces for training are helping employees get real-world experience without ever leaving a training area.

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Data-driven, data-dependent: Blockchain in the Mining Industry

Data-driven, data-dependent: Blockchain in the Mining Industry

The Global Tailings Review estimates that there are about 217km³ worth of tailings around the world. But there is another type of asset that is the basis for it all, determining financial viability, scalability of a mine, and a business advantage.

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EV supply chain majors pilot Re|Source, a blockchain solution for end-to-end cobalt traceability

EV supply chain majors pilot Re|Source, a blockchain solution for end-to-end cobalt traceability

Re|Source is a solution to trace responsibly produced cobalt from the mine to the electric car. It is designed with the direct input of responsible sourcing, and supply chain experts from all participating companies, proactively addressing the growing need for cobalt value chain.

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#03 Augmented Reality (AR) - From visualized data to x-applications for the digital energy industry.

#03 Augmented Reality (AR) - From visualized data to x-applications for the digital energy industry.

Omnia360: Augmented reality refers to interaction between digital and analog worlds. This involves computer-based applications, hardware and software. Through the camera, data from the environment can be recorded and enriched with digital data. The visual representation is.

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6 Use Cases: Open Call for Innovative Grid Services

6 Use Cases: Open Call for Innovative Grid Services

INTERRFACE publishes an Open Call for innovators with €60,000 awarded to each successful applicant. The call opens on 30 March 2021 and accepts applications until 30 June 2021. InterRFACE is a sister project of OneNet - One Integrated Power.

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