Energy Infrastructure
The covid-19 pandemic is disrupting industries around the world, including renewable energy. Experts caution that corporate renewable energy demand could drop off. Solar projects linked to corporate power purchase agreements in Europe could be delayed by the virus outbreak and new projects are being paused. There is hardly any subsidy-free business model left given the current spot price levels in Europe, an analyst said. The nearly $2 trillion stimulus package passed by the Senate on Wednesday does not include any relief for the renewable energy sector. Questions remain about what will happen to corporate wind and solar energy plans globally. Even in a recession, a recession, the corporate renewables market momentum would likely remain intact: low-costWind and solar power, volatile fossil fuel markets, and pressure to decarbonize, according to Greentech Media. However, the outlet cautioned that sagging wholesale power prices and a global recession that affects corporate creditworthiness could cause businesses to reevaluate their energy needs or postpone investment decisions.
Read Full articleHaving ‘Impossible’ conversations about energy
The author pushes the reader to listen to those at the extremes to find common ground. We may or may not agree that climate change is happening but we can agree that some technologies will move faster than others! The magic really happens in the middle when we.
Read Full articleNew tools show a way forward for large-scale storage of renewable energy
Researchers at the University of Cambridge tested their techniques on organic redox flow batteries. They found that by charging the batteries at a lower voltage, they were able to significantly slow the rate of degradation. The technique may be applied to other types of batteries .
Read Full articleThe DSO of the immediate future
In the coming years, more customers will have smart meters installed, and the use of electronic invoicing is increasing rapidly. The current grid is the result of 100 years of history during which the grid has been fundamentally exploited the same way as the first day.
Read Full articleThe possibilities and limitations of Geothermal energy
Turning to alternative and renewable sources of energy is one way to secure the stability of our planet. geothermal energy harnesses the pockets of steam, hot water, and rock beneath the Earths surface to generate electricity and power heating/cooling systems.
Read Full articleUruguay, Latin America’s renewable champion
Uruguay now produces more than 97 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources. The country has undergone a remarkable change in its energy sector in recent years. Wind farms across the country had lowered these costs by more than 200 million US dollars annually.
Read Full articleSome like it hot – Is Hydrogen the answer to those needing it a little warmer?
Hydrogen is a fuel that burns up to 2800 degrees Celsius (about 700C simply burned in air) It can also be compressed and stored so has potential for transport. We need to be more clear and honest about how we talk about Hydrogen.
Read Full articleEurope's sustainable future depends on accessibility of raw materials for batteries
EESC singles out accessibility of raw materials as a pressing issue. Widespread e-mobility is the next key step towards making sustainable transport possible. Only by having ongoing access to raw materials for batteries will Europe be able to move away from fossil.
Read Full articleThe future of flight – Three energy futures (electric, hydrogen or just less?)
Every minute 84 flights take off somewhere in the world with over 4 Billion journeys being made by plane. Burning nearly 300 million tonnes of Jet Fuel annually making up 2.7 percent of global CO2 emissions and global air travel is expected to double over the next.
Read Full articleEnergy storage - an effective weapon in the fight against emissions
More than one quarter of all emissions CO2 are the emissions hard to eliminate. The political will to invest in such technologies is simply not enough in many countries. In the energy sector, switching to renewable energy sources (RES) appears to be a logical.
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