Policy & Regulation

How Twitter can drive energy transition policy advocacy in Europe

Twitter community management usually splits between audience building (getting followers) and driving engagement (getting shares and likes) This summer a revolution in using social media to energise energy efficiency and energy transition communications happened in Brussels. CoTweeting, exchanging ideas and information should become a best practice in Twitter for policy and advocacy. This joining-of-many into energy transition ‘force is the major leap forward for supporting, sharing best practices and advocacy of sustainable energy in the European Union’ If you are on Twitter and committed to energy transition in Europe, join us by sending a message or a Tweet using #Tw4 4SE hashtag. Click here for more information on how to get involved in the EU energy transition. For more information about how to join us on Twitter, visit www.Twitter.com/Tw4se.uk/tw4SE/Twitter or go to Twitter.uk or email us at: www.tw4se/Twitter/Twitter.

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All eyes on China’s 13th Five-Year Plan for energy
Policy & Regulation

All eyes on China’s 13th Five-Year Plan for energy

Chinas 13th Five-Year Plan for energy (Energy 13FYP) may be one of the most anticipated official documents in the world and is one that will have far-reaching impacts on the carbon trajectory of the world number one emitter. Recently.

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Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock
Policy & Regulation

Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock

Report estimates EU energy renovation market at EUR 109 billion in 2015 and 882,900 jobs. The size of the EU renovation market could increase by almost half if a 40% energy savings target is adopted for 2030. This would lead to more than one.

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Industrial heat: An emission free energy source
Policy & Regulation

Industrial heat: An emission free energy source

There is 20-50% of the energy consumed by US industry is ultimately lost as heat. Many facilities around the world can increase their overall effciency and bottom lines by installing waste heat recovery technologies. Waste heat recovery can enhance pro?t.

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Policy & Regulation

How to bring ISO 50001 into life - Automotiv Industry Case Study.pdf

HE Consulting provides a step by step description of how HE Consulting discovered and REALIZED energy saving potential. Case study covers not only how to identify low hanging fruits or in other words savings generated without technical investments. Also reflects on payback time for .

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How to bring ISO 50001 into life - Automotiv Industry Case Study.pdf

How much can energy management actually save?
Policy & Regulation

How much can energy management actually save?

Only 1.5% of medium to large companies in Europe have adopted EN ISO 50001. This figure has to be taken extremely seriously. adoption of energy management could lead to a reduction of European industrys energy consumption of 26% by 2035.

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Policy & Regulation

Energy efficiency works!

German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA; ger.) published the results of their work in 2015. In 2015 there has been investments related to energy efficiency funding in generic technologies. The Federal Office supported this by paying out 59,22.

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Policy & Regulation

Asset and Energy Management - or ISO 50001 vs ISO 55001

ISO55001, the standard for asset management, takes all these aspects into account. The questions: Is it really necessary to implement more than one standard within an organization? Is it not enough to implement e.g only ISO55000?.

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Asset and Energy Management - or ISO 50001 vs ISO 55001

Securing Energy Efficiency to Secure the Energy Union
Policy & Regulation

Securing Energy Efficiency to Secure the Energy Union

JRC report shows energy saving will be in 2030 as the first fuel of Europe. Energy dependency and climate change are mitigated and fossil fuel import bills are lowered. Closing the 2020 energy efficiency gap is the first step towards meeting the 2030 target.

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Policy & Regulation

The difference between implementing and benefitting from ISO50001

ISO50001 has become a widely implemented standard in industry. However, the energy management system often exists only on paper resulting in additional administrative burden and costs. He Consulting briefly describes what is needed to fill the standard to directly contribute to bottom line profit.

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The difference between implementing and benefitting from ISO50001