
Data centers aren't the energy hogs we thought

Researchers developed the most detailed model to date of global data center energy use. The model provides a more nuanced view of data Center energy use and its drivers. More efforts are needed to better monitor energy use moving forward, lead author says. Support for the study came from the U.S. Department of Energy and Leslie and Mac McQuown, and UC Santa Barbara contributed to the work. Additional researchers from Northwestern University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Koomey Analytics, andUC Santa Barbara contribute to the study. By releasing the model, the team hopes to catalyze more research activity on this important topic The research appears in To see the study, visit's Web site: energy use/sustaining- energy- efficiency-related Back to the page you can visit the website. You can also visit the site. You could get the research.

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Asset managing your data on the way to electrification

Asset managing your data on the way to electrification

Data has transformed how utilities operate, by expanding the volume and resolution of energy use data. The acceleration of electrification and decarbonization will make managing data as a strategic asset increasingly necessary. Data driven decision making creates operational efficiencies and drives cost reductions.

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3 Ways utilities will benefit from 5G

3 Ways utilities will benefit from 5G

5G is the fifth generation of mobile networking technology. It is more than a slightly faster version of 4G. 5G will offer much higher speeds, lower latency, and the ability to accommodate many more devices. utilities should research the many opportunities.

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Industry digitalisation from an energy perspective

Industry digitalisation from an energy perspective

Digitalisation offers opportunities for high-skilled employment and innovation, integration of renewable energy, and cuts in operating costs. Digital twins and data analytics continuously optimise manufacturing processes for efficiency and safety. The number of connected devices worldwide is projected to grow from 15.

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Internet of Things self-powered sensors and devices now possible with new material

Internet of Things self-powered sensors and devices now possible with new material

A material with thermoelectric properties has been invented by researchers at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology. The material converts incidental heat to electricity to generate enough energy to power devices. It is ideal for electronics running without a battery.

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Dubai announces that 25% of its buildings will be 3D printed in 2030

Dubai announces that 25% of its buildings will be 3D printed in 2030

Dubai recently announced a 3D printing strategy to make it a leading hub for additive manufacturing in construction. The Emirate expects to reduce average building construction costs by 50 to 70%, and labour costs by as much as 80% with 3D-built structures.

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Virtual Power Plants: former sci-fi technology is now a reality

Virtual Power Plants: former sci-fi technology is now a reality

There are multiple options on how to manage distributed energy resources (DER) A virtual power plant aggregates the capacities of multiple DER of various types. This makes the production of energy more coherent and allows for efficient energy trading on the electricity market.

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H2020-funded project RETROFEED kicks off in Brussels

H2020-funded project RETROFEED kicks off in Brussels

RETROFEED is a project funded under the European Commissions program Horizon 2020. The project aims at an increase of 22% in resource efficiency and 19% in energy efficiency. Project partners boast years of experience in European projects and the development of innovative.

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Hungary, Portugal and Poland sign up to EU quantum communication infrastructure initiative

Hungary, Portugal and Poland sign up to EU quantum communication infrastructure initiative

QCI will help Europe to secure its critical infrastructure and encryption systems against cyber threats. It will also enable data centres to store and exchange information safely. Long-term plan is for the QCI infrastructure to become the backbone for Europes Quantum Internet.

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Energy Management System in glass industry

Steklarna Hrastnik is the leading glass products manufacturer in Slovenia. The company has a strong environmental regulation compliance strategy. To comply with European energy regulation and meet the energy consumption reduction target, the company carried out an energy management project.

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Energy Management System in glass industry