Energy Infrastructure

7 major challenges of a power grid and their solutions

Electricity is a powerful thing, but it is necessary that the amount of electricity in the grid corresponds with actual consumption needs. The amount of green energy generated in 2019 represented 27 % of the worldwide production and only 13% of the entire production capacity in Slovakia. Electric vehicles are still rare, but the fast advances in technology are increasing their popularity. Electricity distribution over long distances increases the temperature within power lines and thus causes significant energy losses in the form of heat. The two most common causes of blackouts are extreme weather conditions and time-worn power lines. The potential of distributed databases to eliminate cyber attacks proved to be efficient.

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Cracking the Hydrogen Egg! How can consumers understand where their Hydrogen has come from?
Energy Infrastructure

Cracking the Hydrogen Egg! How can consumers understand where their Hydrogen has come from?

In a global interconnected system understanding where hydrogen has come from will become incredibly important. The temptation for some to make hydrogen from coal and release the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere may be too great, however as international trade develops the risk increases.

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Does the public's view of Hydrogen matter?
Energy Infrastructure

Does the public's view of Hydrogen matter?

A recent survey in the United Kingdom assessed public perception to be largely ambivalent to hydrogen. Over 64% of participants were unable to demonstrate even a basic knowledge of hydrogen technology or its potential to contribute to the energy system.

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Moving hydrogen from hype to hope
Energy Infrastructure

Moving hydrogen from hype to hope

Hydrogen is the talk of the town and the Commission makes it a big priority in its green industrial strategy. There are few hydrogen fuel cell cars and most of them are actually demonstration vehicles.

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Energy Track & Trace using Blockchain
Energy Infrastructure

Energy Track & Trace using Blockchain

A buyer of electricity can be offered a traceable link of power supply from specific source(s) of renewable power. TYMLEZ can offer an API*-box for traceability of energy right from its source all way to the consumer.

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Cracking the Hydrogen Colour Code
Energy Infrastructure

Cracking the Hydrogen Colour Code

Recently there has been more and more in the media about hydrogen as a future fuel. These discussions often talk about hydrogen using a colour coding - which has the potential to confuse an already complicated matter even further. To support discussion I have pulled together a summary.

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Energy revolution starts with Smart grids
Energy Infrastructure

Energy revolution starts with Smart grids

The EU is going to be boosted by an investment of almost 1 billion euros. About 84% of this amount should be used to support projects related to electricity and Smart grids. The aim is to transform the traditional power grid into a super-efficient network.

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Flexibility Services to Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia - Till Feb 2021 - Open Call for Third Parties
Energy Infrastructure

Flexibility Services to Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia - Till Feb 2021 - Open Call for Third Parties

The EU funded project OneNet is looking for up to 9 Third Parties to further evaluate and refine the results and implementation of the OneNet project. Successful applications can receive up to 60 000 euros funding. The call is open from 1st December 2021.

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Open Call Spain: Flexibility provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels
Energy Infrastructure

Open Call Spain: Flexibility provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels

Spanish Market FSP - Open call till February 2022 for Flexibility Provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage levels. EU funded project OneNet is looking for up to 9 Third Parties to further evaluate and refine.

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Integrating energy and material efficiency in public distribution transformers
Energy Infrastructure

Integrating energy and material efficiency in public distribution transformers

The European Green Deal outlined ambitions to make the economy more material efficient. This ambition was reflected in Article 7 of the latest edition of the Transformer Ecodesign Regulation. The sustainable peak load concept deployed in distribution transformers represents such a smart solution.

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