Policy & Regulation

UPDATE - ICP: Top 2 benefits for energy efficiency project developers

ICP (Investor Confidence Project Europe) delivers a standardised framework for developing energy efficiency projects. Frameworks already exists for buildings and are now being developed for projects in industry, district energy and street lighting. ICP is a technology neutral and certifiable process description ensuring that best practices are applied throughout the development of the project. The underlying objective of the ICP project in Europe is to help unlock access to financing for the building, industry. It also reduces time and skills needed by investors to perform due diligence for each individual project. And Finally, it reduces transaction costs and opens the door for more more capital to finance such projects or re-finance investments of project developers and ESCOs. The ICP framework is based on two foundations: The ICP structure ICP is based in the US for the buildings sector, and the protocols for district energy, and it was introduced in 2015 with the street lighting will be available for project developers.

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The EU moves forward on green investments
Policy & Regulation

The EU moves forward on green investments

The EU is looking at easing bank capital rules to spur green investment. The aim is to find an efficient way to direct investment into new technologies such as electric cars and mortgage loans for energy-efficient homes. A report on sustainable finance is expected next month.

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6 principles for a market design that enables the energy transition
Policy & Regulation

6 principles for a market design that enables the energy transition

Economists at the Université Paris-Dauphine discussed decentralized energy. They stressed how the economic environment for energy utilities is changing in Europe and the US. In this post, we want to focus on one specific aspect that was raised by Prof.

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Onward we go – starting the credentialing process for ICP Europe industry projects
Policy & Regulation

Onward we go – starting the credentialing process for ICP Europe industry projects

The Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to develop a system to give confidence to all active stakeholders. There are still concerns that investing in energy efficiency is risky. ICP Europe has now broadened the scope to include industry (large and small),.

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We accelerate the Energy Transition.
Policy & Regulation

We accelerate the Energy Transition.

#AccelerateET is a social media initiative run by the European Copper Institute. It aims to amplify the most powerful views and statements from the EU champions of the energy transition. This campaign will start with the State of the Energy Union on November 24.

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District Energy: We need your technical expertise - help us “unlock” access to financing
Policy & Regulation

District Energy: We need your technical expertise - help us “unlock” access to financing

The Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to develop a system to give confidence to all active stakeholders. There are still concerns that investing in energy efficiency is risky. ICP Europe will soon convene a Technical Forum for district energy, following one for.

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Energy Flexibility Initiative from the University of Stuttgart
Policy & Regulation

Energy Flexibility Initiative from the University of Stuttgart

Stefan Buettner is the head of International Affairs and Strategy at the University of Stuttgart. He says flexibility potentials within the aluminium industry alone add up to 13,200 MWh - equivalent to 1/3 of Germanys total pump storage.

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Street Lighting: help us unlock access to financing - we need your technical knowledge
Policy & Regulation

Street Lighting: help us unlock access to financing - we need your technical knowledge

Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to give confidence to all stakeholders. There are still concerns that investing in energy efficiency is risky. ICP Europe will soon convene a Technical Forum for street lighting. We need your technical knowledge to help.

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Standards for industrial energy efficiency projects - the importance of technical integrity
Policy & Regulation

Standards for industrial energy efficiency projects - the importance of technical integrity

The Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to develop a system to give confidence to all active stakeholders. ICP Europe has now broadened the scope to include industry (large and small), district energy and street lighting. The Technical Forum is now providing.

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Industry at crossroads - reflections from EEFIG industry event
Policy & Regulation

Industry at crossroads - reflections from EEFIG industry event

European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (EEFIG) held an event in Brussels this week. The event was hosted by the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group. For the more than 70 participants, the half-day.

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