
How IIoT is revolutionizing the manufacturing and automation sectors

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is revolutionizing the manufacturing and automation sectors. In addition to bringing more efficiency and capacity to automated systems, the IIoT is also paving the way for new concepts and business models. Predictive maintenance is a key application area but it is also beneficial for transportation and logistics. The IIOT-enabled sensors installed at strategic points provide input about circumstances and incidents that are not typically monitored by traditional control systems. The data gathered by IIoT field devices is sent to the cloud where an application then processes it and produces meaningful reports and actionable information. There is also the possibility of implementing warnings and alarms based on historical data and trends. And the IIOT devices are often installed on trucks to provide real-time information about transport and logistics to improve logistics management and traceability.

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Australian startup develops AI model to forecast solar ouput based on satellite data

Australian startup develops AI model to forecast solar ouput based on satellite data

Solar eclipsing coal is the lead source of electricity generation in Australia. The question of how to manage this powerful but unpredictable fleet is already a pressing issue. Solstice AI has developed an AI model that can find all the solar on the rooftops providing regional and individual one hour forecasts.

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The Alliance4ECEI hosts the Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold recovery webinar, as part of the Sustainable Energy Days

The Alliance4ECEI hosts the Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold recovery webinar, as part of the Sustainable Energy Days

The Alliance for Energy Cooperation in European Industries (Alliance4ECEI) will hold the online session Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold recovery as part of the activities of the Sustainable Energy Days in September 15 from 10:30 until 12:00 CEST.

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Energy management system build on blockchain technology

Energy management system build on blockchain technology

Oman Al Shawamikh Oil Services Company will cooperate with Frontech. Frontech launched the National Blockchain Platform to accelerate the digital innovation efforts in the Sultanate of Oman. Blockchain will be used to represent the production units in the sustainable energy network, as well as track and manage these units.

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Crypto and climate change: can web3 help cleaning up carbon markets?

Crypto and climate change: can web3 help cleaning up carbon markets?

Does web3 offers an opportunity to re-start carbon markets? Last year, Greenland Gas and Oil energy company agreed to not extract oil from an area on the east coast that it had exploration licences for. Instead it would monetise keeping the oil in the ground via a partnership with the tech company, Carbonbase.

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Is Blockchain the solution for Carbon Tracing, Sustainable Supply Chains and Circular Economy?

Is Blockchain the solution for Carbon Tracing, Sustainable Supply Chains and Circular Economy?

Blockchain is a distributed network which means everyone in the value chain with access rights can access the information saved in the chain. There are various Blockchain startups developing multiple technical platforms. EEIP is mainly interested in the impact blockchain technology can have in accelerating the energy transition.

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Recovering waste heat for a greener Portugal

Recovering waste heat for a greener Portugal

European project EMB3Rs is finding new ways to recycle industrial waste heat. The project aims to raise energy efficiency, cut carbon emissions and end fuel poverty. Currently, the only large-scale District Heat Cold (DHC) network in Portugal is operated by Climaespaço.

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Industrial energy efficiency opportunities through advanced digital technologies

Industrial energy efficiency opportunities through advanced digital technologies

Nearly 63% of lost energy created for electricity, transportation, industrial, commercial and residential markets. Industrial companies can reduce site energy usage 5% to 15% by using energy management technologies. Smart sensors provide real-time visibility into energy performance so operators can take corrective action.

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7 major challenges of a power grid and their solutions

7 major challenges of a power grid and their solutions

Electricity is a powerful thing, but it is necessary that the amount of electricity in the grid corresponds with actual consumption needs. The amount of green energy generated in 2019 represented 27 % of the worldwide production and only 13% of the entire production capacity in Slovakia.

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EMB3Rs code and modules released at GitHub

EMB3Rs code and modules released at GitHub

The code of the integrated platform and of its modules is now available at GitHub. This means that a large community of potential users will now be able to access it for free. By testing the platforms application in different geographical locations, it can be tailored to the needs of the final users.

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