Energy Infrastructure

Flexibility Services to Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia - Till Feb 2021 - Open Call for Third Parties

The EU funded project OneNet is looking for up to 9 Third Parties to further evaluate and refine the results and implementation of the OneNet project. Successful applications can receive up to 60 000 euros funding. The call is open from 1st December 2021 until 1st February 2022. For more information, please check the 7-page expert presentation attached and/or contact us directly via the One Net project Open Call website. Click here for more information about the EU funded OneNet Project Open Call: Innovative ideas are are searched across seven topics-scenarios.

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Open Call Spain: Flexibility provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels
Energy Infrastructure

Open Call Spain: Flexibility provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels

Spanish Market FSP - Open call till February 2022 for Flexibility Provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage levels. EU funded project OneNet is looking for up to 9 Third Parties to further evaluate and refine.

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Integrating energy and material efficiency in public distribution transformers
Energy Infrastructure

Integrating energy and material efficiency in public distribution transformers

The European Green Deal outlined ambitions to make the economy more material efficient. This ambition was reflected in Article 7 of the latest edition of the Transformer Ecodesign Regulation. The sustainable peak load concept deployed in distribution transformers represents such a smart solution.

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SMEs and Start-ups: 60.000 EUR for new services for network operators and household consumers
Energy Infrastructure

SMEs and Start-ups: 60.000 EUR for new services for network operators and household consumers

Horizon 2020 project OneNet calls out for innovative services. The consortium is looking for new services that will contribute to the impact of OneNet project in the energy ecosystem.

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Energy Infrastructure


hydrogen is an all-rounder and can be used in many different ways. It is not only an energy carrier, but also used as a raw material for industrial purposes. In the future, hydrogen could be produced in large quantities through the use of renewable.

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Lessons for the energy transition from the golden age of steam!
Energy Infrastructure

Lessons for the energy transition from the golden age of steam!

Decisions made today to build assets impact the energy system decades in the future. The last steam train left Swindons incredible factory with over 200 built during the preceding decade. Between the first commercial diesel train and the last steam train being retired are 43 years.

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Climate protection in the company secures the future
Energy Infrastructure

Climate protection in the company secures the future

More and more companies are setting their own targets for reducing emissions. They know that their own future and competitiveness are at stake. Some committed German companies are networking in the Climate Protection Companies initiative. Green energy networks help companies tap into new potential as well.

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Mapping energy use for a fossil fuel-free Europe
Energy Infrastructure

Mapping energy use for a fossil fuel-free Europe

Heat Roadmap Europe provides the data that engineers need to decarbonise heating and cooling systems. The project has inspired EMB3Rs and is redesigning our energy sector. Heating and cooling is probably the most diverse sector of Europes energy system.

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Why would you use hydrogen for power generation?
Energy Infrastructure

Why would you use hydrogen for power generation?

SSE and Equinors plan to build a hydrogen power station in the UK. To help navigate this topic I have provided a guide to hydrogen colours. It does not seem to make too much sense to use electricity to make hydrogen to then convert it.

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EV supply chain majors pilot Re|Source, a blockchain solution for end-to-end cobalt traceability
Energy Infrastructure

EV supply chain majors pilot Re|Source, a blockchain solution for end-to-end cobalt traceability

Re|Source is a solution to trace responsibly produced cobalt from the mine to the electric car. It is designed with the direct input of responsible sourcing, and supply chain experts from all participating companies, proactively addressing the growing need for cobalt value chain.

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